


After we spoke I had a dream that I broke After we spoke I had a dream that I broke Después de que hablamos, tuve un sueño que se rompió The teeth from a mouth of a snake The teeth from a mouth of a snake Los dientes de una boca de una serpiente Then I choked on the teeth they were mine all along Then I choked on the teeth they were mine all along Entonces me ahogaba en los dientes que estaban las minas a lo largo de I picked up the pieces when I woke up I picked up the pieces when I woke up Cogí las piezas, cuando me desperté I put them in a boat made of things that I don't want to see I put them in a boat made of things that I don't want to see Los puse en un barco hecho de cosas que yo no quiero ver I blew on the sail watched it drift out to sea I blew on the sail watched it drift out to sea Toqué en la vela lo vio la deriva en el mar The further it drifted the closer it came to me I can't explain The further it drifted the closer it came to me I can't explain Cuanto más se deriva más cerca se vino a mí que no puedo explicar So I took it apart built a billion boxes So I took it apart built a billion boxes Así que lo tomé aparte construida de mil millones de cajas de But there was only one key But there was only one key Pero no fue sólo una de las claves You might think I'm your enemy You might think I'm your enemy Usted podría pensar que soy tu enemigo But that don't make you mine But that don't make you mine Pero eso no quiere hacerle la mina And all I have now is empathy And all I have now is empathy Y todo lo que tengo ahora es la empatía I wish that you'd stop trying I wish that you'd stop trying Deseo que te gustaría dejar de intentar Please stop lying Please stop lying Por favor, dejen de mentir I put hatred in a box then I locked it I put hatred in a box then I locked it Puse el odio en una caja cerrada que luego The strongest one I made The strongest one I made La más fuerte que hice I buried it all grew a tree without thorns I buried it all grew a tree without thorns Lo enterré a todos, crecía un árbol sin espinas And sat beneath it's shade And sat beneath it's shade Y se sentó debajo de la sombra You might think I'm your enemy You might think I'm your enemy Usted podría pensar que soy tu enemigo But that don't make you mine But that don't make you mine Pero eso no quiere hacerle la mina And all I have now is empathy And all I have now is empathy Y todo lo que tengo ahora es la empatía I wish that you'd stop trying I wish that you'd stop trying Deseo que te gustaría dejar de intentar Oh please stop lying Oh please stop lying Oh, por favor dejen de mentir

Composição: Jack Johnson

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