A war in heaven in God's rage A war in heaven in God's rage Uma guerra no paraíso causada pela ira de Deus He put me in this burning cage He put me in this burning cage Ele me coloca nesta jaula em chamas Holy fury locks me in Holy fury locks me in Sua fúria sagrada me prende Imprisoned by my deadly sin Imprisoned by my deadly sin Aprisionado pelo meu pecado mortal Every hour the shadow king Every hour the shadow king A cada hora o rei das sombras Wonders what his clock will bring Wonders what his clock will bring Se pergunta o que seu relógio trará I've lived and loved and that's for sure I've lived and loved and that's for sure Eu vivi e amei, tenho certeza disso My fatal quest forever more My fatal quest forever more Minha eterna missão fatal The days of future past to wander on the shore The days of future past to wander on the shore Os dias de um futuro esquecido onde vago pelo litoral A king without a queen to die for evermore A king without a queen to die for evermore Um rei sem uma rainha deixado para morrer eternamente To wander in the wasteland To wander in the wasteland A vagar no deserto Immortal to the end Immortal to the end Imortal até o fim Waiting for the judgement Waiting for the judgement Esperando pelo julgamento But the judgement never ends But the judgement never ends Mas o julgamento nunca acaba Once crucified, you forgave it all Once crucified, you forgave it all Uma vez crucificado, você perdoou tudo But my own life condemned to fall But my own life condemned to fall Mas condenou minha própria vida à queda Where's the glory in your name Where's the glory in your name Onde está a glória em seu nome My twisted soul still burns in flame My twisted soul still burns in flame Minha alma retorcida ainda arde em chamas Hark you angels hear my call Hark you angels hear my call Ouçam, anjos, ouçam meu chamado Father witness to my fall Father witness to my fall O Pai é testemunha de minha queda Between the lines of sin and pain Between the lines of sin and pain Entre as divisas do pecado e da dor I walk the earth now doomed again I walk the earth now doomed again Eu agora caminho pela terra, condenado novamente The days of future past to wander on the shore The days of future past to wander on the shore Os dias de um futuro esquecido onde vago pelo litoral A king without a queen to die for evermore A king without a queen to die for evermore Um rei sem uma rainha deixado para morrer eternamente To wander in the wasteland To wander in the wasteland A vagar no deserto Immortal to the end Immortal to the end Imortal até o fim Waiting for the judgement Waiting for the judgement Esperando pelo julgamento But the judgement never ends But the judgement never ends Mas o julgamento nunca acaba The days of future past to wander on the shore The days of future past to wander on the shore Os dias de um futuro esquecido onde vago pelo litoral A king without a queen to die for evermore A king without a queen to die for evermore Um rei sem uma rainha deixado para morrer eternamente To wander in the wasteland To wander in the wasteland A vagar no deserto Immortal to the end Immortal to the end Imortal até o fim Waiting for the judgement Waiting for the judgement Esperando pelo julgamento But the judgement never ends But the judgement never ends Mas o julgamento nunca acaba The days of future past to wander on the shore The days of future past to wander on the shore Os dias de um futuro esquecido onde vago pelo litoral A king without a queen to die for evermore A king without a queen to die for evermore Um rei sem uma rainha deixado para morrer eternamente To wander in the wasteland To wander in the wasteland A vagar no deserto Immortal to the end Immortal to the end Imortal até o fim Waiting for the judgement Waiting for the judgement Esperando pelo julgamento But the judgement never ends But the judgement never ends Mas o julgamento nunca acaba