
Legend of The Magic Sword

A Lenda da Espada Mágica

Secret of the sea – Lady of the Lake Secret of the sea – Lady of the Lake Segredo do mar - a Dama do Lago Brought the sword Brought the sword Trouxe a espada A true king will hold the steel A true king will hold the steel Um verdadeiro rei empunhará o aço It will only be owned by a pure heart It will only be owned by a pure heart Ela só pode ser possuída por um coração puro A magic spell will hold the blade A magic spell will hold the blade Um feitiço irá manter a lâmina In the stone for chosen one In the stone for chosen one Na pedra, para o escolhido It was made to bring harmony It was made to bring harmony Ela foi feita para trazer harmonia And to reunite the ancient land And to reunite the ancient land E reunir a antiga pátria You got to ride the wild wind You got to ride the wild wind Você tem que ir com o vento To the gates of Camelot To the gates of Camelot Até os portões de Camelot Sanctuary for those who feel lost in Avalon Sanctuary for those who feel lost in Avalon Um santuário para aqueles que se sentem perdidos em Avalon Cause a king will be born Cause a king will be born Pois um rei nascerá Raised in the forest Raised in the forest E crescerá na floresta Behind the golden gates of the shiny fortress Behind the golden gates of the shiny fortress Por trás dos portões dourados da fortaleza brilhante At the table of knights, a brotherhood of light At the table of knights, a brotherhood of light Na távola dos cavaleiros, uma fraternidade de luz In the legend of the Magic Sword In the legend of the Magic Sword Na lenda da Espada Mágica Merlin claimed the child Merlin claimed the child Merlim reivindicou a criança In exchange for a deed – A little magic trick In exchange for a deed – A little magic trick Em troca de um feito - um pequeno truque mágico Arthur was his name Arthur was his name Arthur era o seu nome He was young, he was brave He was young, he was brave Ele era jovem, era corajoso With a righteous mind With a righteous mind E tinha um espírito justo You got to ride the wild wind You got to ride the wild wind Você tem que ir com o vento To the gates of Camelot To the gates of Camelot Até os portões de Camelot Sanctuary for those who feel lost in Avalon Sanctuary for those who feel lost in Avalon Um santuário para aqueles que se sentem perdidos em Avalon Cause a king will be born Cause a king will be born Pois um rei nascerá Raised in the forest Raised in the forest E crescerá na floresta Behind the golden gates of the shiny fortress Behind the golden gates of the shiny fortress Por trás dos portões dourados da fortaleza brilhante At the table of knights, a brotherhood of light At the table of knights, a brotherhood of light Na távola de cavaleiros, uma fraternidade de luz In the legend of the Magic Sword In the legend of the Magic Sword Na lenda da Espada Mágica The legacy lives on and on The legacy lives on and on O legado sobrevive On a trail of magic sorcery On a trail of magic sorcery No rastro de uma feitiçaria mágica A thousand years in you and me A thousand years in you and me Por mil anos em você e em mim A legend of steel and Bravery A legend of steel and Bravery Uma lenda de aço e de bravura You got to ride the wild wind You got to ride the wild wind Você tem que ir com o vento To the gates of Camelot To the gates of Camelot Até os portões de Camelot Sanctuary for those who feel lost in Avalon Sanctuary for those who feel lost in Avalon Um santuário para aqueles que se sentem perdidos em Avalon Will carry on Will carry on Irá continuar Cause a king will be born Cause a king will be born Pois um rei nascerá Raised in the forest Raised in the forest E crescerá na floresta Behind the golden gates of the shiny fortress Behind the golden gates of the shiny fortress Por trás dos portões dourados da fortaleza brilhante At the table of knights, a brotherhood of light At the table of knights, a brotherhood of light Na távola dos cavaleiros, uma fraternidade de luz In the legend of the Magic Sword In the legend of the Magic Sword Na lenda da Espada Mágica (The Magic Sword) (The Magic Sword) (A Espada Mágica) In the legend of the Magic Sword In the legend of the Magic Sword Na lenda da Espada Mágica

Composição: Iron Fire/Martin Steene

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