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Fair Weather Ahead

Tempo Bom Pela Frente

There's this place full of mountain heads There's this place full of mountain heads Há este lugar cheio de cabeças montanhosa Living and chewing upon the fat Living and chewing upon the fat A vida é de mascar sobre a gordura Built upon the hazy plan Built upon the hazy plan Construídos sobre o plano vago Like foundations slipping through the sand Like foundations slipping through the sand Tal como fundações escorregamento através da areia Long teeth and whiskers like a rat Long teeth and whiskers like a rat Dentes longos e bigodes como um rato Fearing only those present Fearing only those present Temendo apenas os presentes They got zero emotion They got zero emotion Eles têm emoção zero And everybody's fed up with that And everybody's fed up with that E de todos fartos de que Warm outside but very cold within Warm outside but very cold within Caloroso fora, mas muito frio por dentro Followed and praised for many years Followed and praised for many years Seguidos e elogiado por muitos anos They got all the promotions They got all the promotions Eles têm todas as promoções Isn't that the way it's always been Isn't that the way it's always been Não é a maneira que ele é sempre History's written always red History's written always red História escrita sempre em vermelho Its pages are painful and clear Its pages are painful and clear As suas páginas são dolorosas e claras It's so full of devotion It's so full of devotion É tão cheio de devoção Makes you wonder where it could have led Makes you wonder where it could have led Faz você saber onde ela poderia ter levado Put the lights out Put the lights out Ponha as luzes apagadas Fair weather ahead Fair weather ahead Tempo bom em frente These strange new creatures These strange new creatures Estas novas criaturas estranhas They won't be led They won't be led Elas não será levado

Composição: Inxs

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