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No Spiritual Surrender

Não Há Entrega Espirtual

Try to make me bow down to you. Try to make me bow down to you. Tente fazer com que eu me curve a você. Try to take my identity. Try to take my identity. Tente tirar minha identidade. Try to make me just another pebble on the beach. Try to make me just another pebble on the beach. Tente me apedrejar uma outra vez na praia A green mind twists the plan. A green mind twists the plan. Uma mente verde reverte o plano. A cold hand trying to silence me. A cold hand trying to silence me. Uma mão fria tentando me silenciar. You try to grasp me, but I'm out of reach. You try to grasp me, but I'm out of reach. Você tenta me agarrar, mas estou fora de alcance. No Spiritual Surrender No Spiritual Surrender Não Há Entrega Espiritual No Spiritual Surrender No Spiritual Surrender Não Há Entrega Espiritual Try to make me bow down to you. Try to make me bow down to you. Tente fazer com que eu me curve a você. Tente tirar minha identidade. Try to take my identity. Try to take my identity. Tente me apedrejar uma outra vez na praia Try to make me just another pebble on the beach. Try to make me just another pebble on the beach. Uma mente verde reverte o plano. A green mind twists the plan. A green mind twists the plan. Uma mão fria tentando me silenciar. A cold hand trying to silence me. A cold hand trying to silence me. Você tenta me agarrar, mas estou fora de alcance. Trying to grasp me, but I'm out of reach. Trying to grasp me, but I'm out of reach. Não Há Entrega Espiritual No Spiritual Surrender No Spiritual Surrender Não Há Entrega Espiritual No Spiritual Surrender No Spiritual Surrender

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