If only i had known you better. If only i had known you better. If Only If only you weren't afraid to try. If only you weren't afraid to try. Se Pelo Menos You and me, we'd make a bad, bad team. You and me, we'd make a bad, bad team. Se pelo menos eu conhecesse você melhor, But we'll never understand the reasons why. But we'll never understand the reasons why. Se pelo menos você não tivesse medo de tentar, If only you. If only you. Você e eu, nós teríamos formado uma dupla ruim. If only me. If only me. Mas nós nunca entendemos os motivos. If only you. If only you. Se pelo menos você, If only me. If only me. Se pelo menos eu, I remember the day that i met you. I remember the day that i met you. Se pelo menos você, The politics were already strong. The politics were already strong. Se pelo menos eu. I think you knew, like me, that it would never work out. I think you knew, like me, that it would never work out. Eu me lembro do dia que encontrei você. And i'm surprised that it even lasted so long. And i'm surprised that it even lasted so long. Os políticos já eram fortes. If only you. If only you. Eu achei que você sabia, como eu, If only me. If only me. que isso nunca poderia ter dado certo. If only you. If only you. E fiquei surpreso que tenha durado tanto. If only me. If only me. Se pelo menos você, If only light didn't come in the morning. If only light didn't come in the morning. Se pelo menos eu, If only darkness didn't fall at night. If only darkness didn't fall at night. Se pelo menos você, If only you and me had led different lives, baby. If only you and me had led different lives, baby. Se pelo menos eu. I know that eveything would have turned out alright. I know that eveything would have turned out alright. Se pelo menos a luz não tivesse aparecido na manhã, If only you. If only you. Se pelo menos a escuridão não tivesse sumido à noite, If only me. If only me. Se pelo menos eu e você tivéssemos vidas diferentes, If only you. If only you. baby, eu saberia que tudo poderia ter dado certo. If only me. If only me. Se pelo menos você,