
Roy Sullivan, By Lightning Loved

Roy Sullivan, por Lightning Loved

Least expected Least expected Menos esperado Seizure of symphony Seizure of symphony Apreensão de sinfonia Apoplectic Apoplectic Apoplético Blind but now can see Blind but now can see Cego, mas agora pode ver Unprotected Unprotected Desprotegido Take me, love, take me Take me, love, take me Me leve amor me leve Gentle electric Gentle electric Elétrico suave Tingle, touch my cheek Tingle, touch my cheek Tingle, toque minha bochecha Gold and threaded Gold and threaded Ouro e rosca Blind as they Blind as they Cegos como eles There's no question There's no question Não há dúvida My heart skips beats when you're with me My heart skips beats when you're with me Meu coração bate mais forte quando você está comigo Am I graced or grounded? Am I graced or grounded? Eu sou agraciado ou de castigo? Blessed or burnt to crisp? Blessed or burnt to crisp? Abençoado ou queimado até ficar crocante? Through this mud, we're impounded Through this mud, we're impounded Através desta lama, somos apreendidos Is this bliss? Is this bliss? Isso é felicidade? The pavement blazes The pavement blazes O pavimento em chamas On my back On my back Nas minhas costas The storm, it's savage The storm, it's savage A tempestade é selvagem Left here on some grass Left here on some grass Saiu aqui em alguma grama I shake and shiver I shake and shiver Eu tremo e tremo Took your wounded hand Took your wounded hand Pegou sua mão ferida You sparked and flickered You sparked and flickered Você faiscou e cintilou Come back, come back, come back Come back, come back, come back Volte, volte, volte Least expected Least expected Menos esperado Seizure of symphony Seizure of symphony Apreensão de sinfonia Apoplectic Apoplectic Apoplético Blind but now can see Blind but now can see Cego, mas agora pode ver Unprotected Unprotected Desprotegido Take me, love, take me Take me, love, take me Me leve amor me leve Am I graced or grounded? Am I graced or grounded? Eu sou agraciado ou de castigo? Blessed or burnt to crisp? Blessed or burnt to crisp? Abençoado ou queimado até ficar crocante? Through this mud, we're impounded Through this mud, we're impounded Através desta lama, somos apreendidos This is bliss This is bliss Isso é bem-aventurança

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