I'm Darby Crash. I'm Darby Crash. Estoy Darby Crash. a social blast. a social blast. una explosión social. Chaotic master.... Chaotic master.... Maestro caótico .... I'm Darby Crash. I'm Darby Crash. Estoy Darby Crash. I'm your own, I'm your own, Estoy solo, the young smack. the young smack. la joven heroína. Getting faster, Getting faster, Cada vez más rápido, I'm Darby Crash. I'm Darby Crash. Estoy Darby Crash. A one-way match.... A one-way match.... Un partido de ida .... demonic flasher. demonic flasher. intermitente demoníaca. Deep, deep, deep in my eyes. Deep, deep, deep in my eyes. Profundo, profundo, profundo en mis ojos. It's a round, round, round cirlce of lives. It's a round, round, round cirlce of lives. Es un redondo, redondo, círculo de ronda de vidas. It's a tame, tame, tame sort of world It's a tame, tame, tame sort of world Es un manso, más o menos dócil, manso del mundo where you're caught, bought, taught as it twirls. where you're caught, bought, taught as it twirls. cuando te pillan, compró, enseñó como giros. I'm Darby Crash, I'm Darby Crash, Estoy Darby Crash, a social blast. a social blast. una explosión social. Chaotic master, Chaotic master, Caótica maestro, I'm Darby Crash. I'm Darby Crash. Estoy Darby Crash. Your Mecca's gash, Your Mecca's gash, Su Meca herida, prophetic stature; prophetic stature; estatura profética; I'm Darby Crash. I'm Darby Crash. Estoy Darby Crash. A one way match, A one way match, Un partido de ida, demonic flasher. demonic flasher. intermitente demoníaca. Deep, deep, deep in his eyes. Deep, deep, deep in his eyes. Profundo, profundo, profundo en sus ojos. It's a round, round, round cirlce of lives. It's a round, round, round cirlce of lives. Es un redondo, redondo, círculo de ronda de vidas. It's a tame, tame, tame sort of world It's a tame, tame, tame sort of world Es un manso, más o menos dócil, manso del mundo where you're caught, bought, taught as it twirls. where you're caught, bought, taught as it twirls. cuando te pillan, compró, enseñó como giros. She's Darby Crash, She's Darby Crash, Ella es Darby Crash, as social blast. as social blast. como explosión social. Chaotic master.... Chaotic master.... Maestro caótico .... Snap, crackle, pop. Snap, crackle, pop. Snap, Crackle, pop. In here. In here. En aquí. Snap, crackle pop. Snap, crackle pop. Snap, crujido del pop. Out there. Out there. Fuera de allí.