
This Is How We Overcome

Esto Es Como Nosotros Vencido

Your light broke through my night Your light broke through my night Su luz abrió camino mi noche Restored exceeding joy Restored exceeding joy Alegría restaurada que excede Your grace fell like the rain Your grace fell like the rain Su gracia se cayó como la lluvia And made this desert live And made this desert live Y hecho este desierto vivo You have turned my mourning into dancing You have turned my mourning into dancing Usted ha convertido mi luto en el baile You have turned my sorrow into joy You have turned my sorrow into joy Usted ha convertido mi pena en la alegría Your hand lifted me up Your hand lifted me up Su mano me levantó I stand on higher ground I stand on higher ground Estoy de pie en la tierra más alta Your praise rose in my heart Your praise rose in my heart Su alabanza se elevó en mi corazón And made this valley sing And made this valley sing Y hecho este valle cantan

Composição: Reuben Morgan

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