Original Espanhol

The Wonder Of Your Love

A maravilha do Teu amor

VERSE 1 VERSE 1 Verso 1 You inhabit the You inhabit the Tú habitas nos Praises of Your people Praises of Your people Louvores do Teu povo You delight in the You delight in the Você deleita-se na Glory of Your Son Glory of Your Son Glória de Teu Filho In the love of the Father In the love of the Father No amor do Pai We will worship We will worship Vamos adorar In the kingdom of God In the kingdom of God No reino de Deus We find our home We find our home Nós achamos nossa casa PRE CHORUS PRE CHORUS Pre- Refrão The wonder The wonder A maravilha Of Your love Of Your love do Seu amor Will break the Will break the Vai quebrar as Chains that bind us Chains that bind us correntes que nos prendem The power The power O poder Of Your touch Of Your touch do Seu toque Releases us Releases us Lança-nos To worship To worship a adorar CHORUS CHORUS Refrão Sing out to God Sing out to God Cantai a Deus Sing hallelujah Sing hallelujah Cante Aleluia With all we are With all we are Com tudo o que somos We will worship You We will worship You Adoramos a Ti Holy is Your Name Holy is Your Name Santo é Teu Nome Holy is Your Name Holy is Your Name Santo é o Teu Nome Oh God Oh God Oh Deus VERSE 2 VERSE 2 Verso 2 Together we will lift Together we will lift E juntos vamos exaltar The name of Jesus The name of Jesus O nome de Jesus Together we sing Together we sing Juntos vamos cantar Of Your great love Of Your great love Por Seu grande amor We will join with the We will join with the Nós nos uniremos com os Angels to praise You Angels to praise You Anjos para te adorar May our voices May our voices Que nossas vozes Be pleasing to You God Be pleasing to You God Seja agradável à Ti

Composição: Jack Mooring/Leeland Mooring/Marty Sampson

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