
Hark The Herald Angels Sing

Escuche Ángeles de The Herald Cantan

Hark! The herald angels sing: Hark! The herald angels sing: ¡Escuche! Los ángeles de heraldo cantan: "Glory to the newborn King" "Glory to the newborn King" "Gloria al Rey recién nacido" Peace on earth and mercy child Peace on earth and mercy child Paz en tierra y niño de piedad God and sinner reconciled God and sinner reconciled Dios y el pecador reconciliados Joyful all ye nations rise Joyful all ye nations rise Alegre todo ustedes subida de naciones Join the triumph of the skies Join the triumph of the skies Afíliese al triunfo de los cielos With angelic hosts proclaim: With angelic hosts proclaim: Con anfitriones angelicales proclame: "Christ is born in Bethlehem" "Christ is born in Bethlehem" "Cristo nace en Belén" Hark! The herald angels sing: Hark! The herald angels sing: ¡Escuche! Los ángeles de heraldo cantan: "Glory to the newborn King" "Glory to the newborn King" "Gloria al Rey recién nacido" Christ by highest heaven adored Christ by highest heaven adored Cristo por el cielo más alto adorado Christ the everlasting Lord Christ the everlasting Lord Cristo el Señor eterno Late in time, behold Him come Late in time, behold Him come Tarde a tiempo, contémplele vienen Offspring of the virgin's womb Offspring of the virgin's womb Descendiente de la matriz de la virgen Veiled in flesh the Godhead see Veiled in flesh the Godhead see Velado en la carne el Carácter divino ver Hail the incarnate deity Hail the incarnate deity Aclame la deidad encarnada Pleased as man with man to dwell Pleased as man with man to dwell Contento como hombre con hombre de morar Jesus our Emmanuel Jesus our Emmanuel Jesús nuestro Emmanuel Hark! The herald angels sing: Hark! The herald angels sing: ¡Escuche! Los ángeles de heraldo cantan: "Glory to the newborn King" "Glory to the newborn King" "Gloria al Rey recién nacido" Born to raise the sons of earth Born to raise the sons of earth Nacido para criar a los hijos de tierra Born to give them second birth Born to give them second birth Nacido para darles segundo nacimiento Hark! The herald angels sing: Hark! The herald angels sing: ¡Escuche! Los ángeles de heraldo cantan: "Glory to the newborn King" "Glory to the newborn King" "Gloria al Rey recién nacido" Oh Gloria Oh Gloria Ah Gloria Oh Gloria Oh Gloria Ah Gloria

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