
Grace To Grace

Graça Em Graça

If love endured that ancient cross If love endured that ancient cross Se o amor suportou a antiga cruz How precious is my saviour’s blood How precious is my saviour’s blood Quão precioso é o sangue do meu salvador The beauty of heaven wrapped in my shame The beauty of heaven wrapped in my shame A beleza do céu envolto em minha vergonha The image of love upon death’s frame The image of love upon death’s frame No quadro da morte a imagem do amor If having my heart was worth the pain If having my heart was worth the pain Se ter o meu coração fez valer a pena What joy could you see beyond the grave What joy could you see beyond the grave Que alegria você poderia ver além da sepultura If love found my soul worth dying for If love found my soul worth dying for Se o amor achou que valia a pena morrer pela minha alma How wonderful how glorious How wonderful how glorious Quão maravilhosa, quão gloriosa My saviour’s scars victorious My saviour’s scars victorious As cicatrizes do meu Salvador vitorioso My chains are gone my debt is paid My chains are gone my debt is paid Minhas correntes se foram e a minha dívida está paga From death to life and grace to grace From death to life and grace to grace Da morte para a vida e de graça em graça If heaven now owns that vacant tomb If heaven now owns that vacant tomb Se o céu agora é o dono daquela tumba vazia How great is the hope that lives in you How great is the hope that lives in you Como é grande a esperança que vive em você The passion that tore through hell like a rose The passion that tore through hell like a rose A paixão que atravessou o inferno como uma rosa The promise that rolled back death and it's stone The promise that rolled back death and it's stone A promessa de que rolou a morte e sua pedra If freedom is worth the life you raised If freedom is worth the life you raised Se a liberdade vale a vida que você levantou Oh where is my sin where is my shame Oh where is my sin where is my shame Oh, onde está o meu pecado, onde está a minha vergonha If love paid it all to have my heart If love paid it all to have my heart Se o amor pagou tudo para ter meu coração How wonderful how glorious How wonderful how glorious Quando vejo aquela cruz vejo a liberdade My saviour’s scars victorious My saviour’s scars victorious Quando ver aquela sepultura eu verei Jesus My chains are gone my debt is paid My chains are gone my debt is paid E da morte à vida cantarei From death to life and grace to grace From death to life and grace to grace Seu louvor na maravilha da tua graça When I see that cross I see freedom When I see that cross I see freedom Como minha alma cantará louvores a Ti When I see that grave I’ll see Jesus When I see that grave I’ll see Jesus Na maravilha de sua graça And from death to life I will sing And from death to life I will sing Como minha alma cantará louvores a Ti Your praise in the wonder of your grace Your praise in the wonder of your grace How my soul will sing your praise How my soul will sing your praise In the wonder of your grace In the wonder of your grace How my soul will sing your praise How my soul will sing your praise

Composição: Chris Davenport/Joel Houston

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