beauty for ashes beauty for ashes belleza para cenizas life evermore life evermore vida eternamente peace beyond measures peace beyond measures paz más allá de medidas jesus won it all jesus won it all Jesús ganó todo esto saved out of darkness saved out of darkness salvado de oscuridad cleansed by his blood cleansed by his blood limpiado por su sangre into his kingdom into his kingdom en su reino by the power of god by the power of god por el poder de Dios chorus: chorus: coro: he has won it, my salvation he has won it, my salvation él lo ha ganado, mi salvación my forgiveness, at the cross my forgiveness, at the cross mi perdón, en la cruz he is healing, he's redemption he is healing, he's redemption él se cura, él es la amortización for whoever would come for whoever would come para quienquiera vendría he has won, that's the cross he has won, that's the cross él ha ganado, esto es la cruz all can take freely all can take freely todos pueden tomar libremente water of life water of life agua de vida let all who thirst, come let all who thirst, come deje a todos quien sed, venir worship jesus christ worship jesus christ adoración Jesucristo chorus: chorus: coro: he has won it, my salvation he has won it, my salvation él lo ha ganado, mi salvación my forgiveness, at the cross my forgiveness, at the cross mi perdón, en la cruz he is healing, he's redemption he is healing, he's redemption él se cura, él es la amortización for whoever would come for whoever would come para quienquiera vendría he has won, that's the cross he has won, that's the cross él ha ganado, esto es la cruz for in him is the life for in him is the life ya que en él es la vida that destroyed sin and death that destroyed sin and death aquel pecado destruido y muerte and he broke every chain and he broke every chain y él rompió cada cadena for the bound and oppressed for the bound and oppressed para el atado y oprimido he's alive, he's alive he's alive, he's alive él está vivo, él está vivo