Verse 1 Verse 1 Verso 1 I'm totally abandoned to You I'm totally abandoned to You Soy totalmente abandonado a Usted I'm lost inside the rivers of Your love I'm lost inside the rivers of Your love Soy perdido dentro de los ríos de Su amor I'm swept into the power of Your presence I'm swept into the power of Your presence Soy barrido en el poder de Su presencia Drawn toward the whisper of Your voice Drawn toward the whisper of Your voice Dibujado hacia el susurro de Su voz Verse 2 Verse 2 Verso 2 I come to You in quiet adoration I come to You in quiet adoration Vengo a Usted en la adoración tranquila And fall before Your feet You are my King And fall before Your feet You are my King Y caída antes de Sus pies Usted es mi Rey I'm living for the beauty of Your Presence I'm living for the beauty of Your Presence Vivo para la belleza de Su Presencia To behold the glory of Your face To behold the glory of Your face Contemplar la gloria de Su cara CHORUS CHORUS CORO Holy, Worthy, is the Lord Holy, Worthy, is the Lord Santo, Digno, es el Señor Heaven declares Your Rightousness Heaven declares Your Rightousness Cielo declara Su Rightousness Oh God of All Creation Oh God of All Creation Ah Dios de Toda la Creación I worship You I worship You Le adoro Verse 2 Verse 2 Verso 2 CHORUS CHORUS CORO Oh when You said 'seek Your face' Oh when You said 'seek Your face' Ah cuando Usted dijo 'buscan Su cara' My heart said 'Your face I will seek' (2x) My heart said 'Your face I will seek' (2x) Mi corazón dijo 'Su cara que buscaré' (2x) CHORUS CHORUS CORO