
Father of Creation

Padre de Creación

We come into Your presence We come into Your presence Entramos en Su presencia To sing a song to You To sing a song to You Cantar una canción a Usted A song of praise and honour A song of praise and honour Un canto de alegría y honor For all the things you helped us through For all the things you helped us through Para todas las cosas usted nos ayudó por You gave a life worth living You gave a life worth living Usted dio una vida de valor de vida A life in love in with You A life in love in with You Una vida enamorada en con Usted And now I just love giving And now I just love giving Y ahora sólo amo dar All my praises back to You All my praises back to You Todas mis alabanzas atrás a Usted You're the Father of Creation You're the Father of Creation Usted es el Padre de Creación The risen Lamb of God The risen Lamb of God El Cordero elevado de Dios You're the One who walked away You're the One who walked away Usted es El que quién se alejó From the empty tomb that day From the empty tomb that day De la tumba vacía ese día And You set your people free And You set your people free Y Usted libera a su gente With love and liberty With love and liberty Con amor y libertad And I can walk with you And I can walk with you Y puedo andar con usted Every night and every day Every night and every day Cada noche y cada día

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