Sit there pathetic
Admire myself
Pass offers of great sex
No threat the evil goes
Pig Fuck your eyes wide
Once lead, gone shy
Not a thing in common
She looks just like a boy
Sit there pathetic Sit there pathetic Sento ali patético Admire myself Admire myself Admiro-me Pass offers of great sex Pass offers of great sex Traficantes de grande sexo No threat the evil goes No threat the evil goes Sem perigo o mal vai Gone Gone Foi Pig Fuck your eyes wide Pig Fuck your eyes wide Porco fudeu seus olhos totalmente Once lead, gone shy Once lead, gone shy Uma vez lidera, torna-se tímido Not a thing in common Not a thing in common Não há nada em comum She looks just like a boy She looks just like a boy Ela parece um garoto Boy Boy Garoto