
Eagle Fly Free

Aguia Voe Livre

People are in big confusion People are in big confusion As pessoas estão em uma grande confusão They don't like their constitutions They don't like their constitutions Elas não gostam de suas constituições Everyday they draw conclusions Everyday they draw conclusions Todo dia tiram conclusões And they're still prepared for war And they're still prepared for war E elas ainda estão preparadas para a guerra Some can say what's ineffective Some can say what's ineffective Alguns dizem que é ineficaz Some make up themselves attractive Some make up themselves attractive Alguns se fazem atraentes Build up things they call protective Build up things they call protective Constroem coisas que chamam de protetoras Well your life seems quite bizarre Well your life seems quite bizarre Bem, sua vida parece bastante bizarra. Bridge: Bridge: Ponte In the sky a mighty eagle In the sky a mighty eagle No céu uma águia poderosa Doesn't care 'bout what's illegal Doesn't care 'bout what's illegal Não liga para o que é proibido On its wings the rainbow's light On its wings the rainbow's light Em suas asas a luz do arco-íris It's flying to eternity It's flying to eternity Está voando para a eternidade Chorus: Chorus: Refrão Eagle fly free Eagle fly free Águia voe livre Let people see Let people see Deixe as pessoas verem Just make it your own way Just make it your own way Você só esta fazendo seu próprio caminho Leave time behind Leave time behind Deixe o tempo pra trás Follow the sign Follow the sign Siga o sinal Together we'll fly someday Together we'll fly someday Juntos voaremos um dia Hey, we think so supersonic Hey, we think so supersonic Hey, nós pensamos tão supersônicos And we make our bombs atomic And we make our bombs atomic E nós fazemos nossas bombas atômicas Or the better quite neutronic Or the better quite neutronic Ou melhor, bombas de nêutrons But the poor don't see a dime But the poor don't see a dime Mas os pobres não vêem um centavo Nowadays the air's polluted Nowadays the air's polluted Hoje em dia o ar poluído Ancient people persecuted Ancient people persecuted As pessoas velhas são perseguidas That's what mankind contributed That's what mankind contributed No que a humanidade contribuiu To create a better time To create a better time Para criar um tempo melhor ? Bridge: Bridge: Ponte In the sky a mighty eagle In the sky a mighty eagle No céu uma águia poderosa Doesn't care 'bout what's illegal Doesn't care 'bout what's illegal Não liga para o que é proibido On its wings the rainbow's light On its wings the rainbow's light Em suas asas a luz do arco-íris It's flying to eternity It's flying to eternity Está voando para a eternidade Chorus: Chorus: Refrão Eagle fly free Eagle fly free Águia voe livre Let people see Let people see Deixe as pessoas verem Just make it your own way Just make it your own way Você só esta fazendo seu próprio caminho Leave time behind Leave time behind Deixe o tempo pra trás Follow the sign Follow the sign Siga o sinal Together we'll fly someday Together we'll fly someday Juntos voaremos um dia (Solos: Kai/both/Markus/Mike/Ingo) (Solos: Kai/both/Markus/Mike/Ingo) (Solos: Kai/Ambos/Markus/Mike/Ingo)

Composição: Michael Weikath

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