Original Espanhol

7 Things

7 coisas

I probably shouldn't say this I probably shouldn't say this Eu provavelmente não devia dizer isso But at times I get so scared But at times I get so scared Mas as vezes eu fico tão assustada When I think about the previous When I think about the previous Quando eu penso sobre o ultimo Relationship we shared Relationship we shared Relacionamento que tivemos It was awesome but we lost it It was awesome but we lost it Foi incrível mas perdemo-nos It's not possible for me, not to care It's not possible for me, not to care Não é possível não consigo não me importar And now we're standing in the rain And now we're standing in the rain Agora estamos parados na chuva But nothing's ever gonna change until you hear, my dear But nothing's ever gonna change until you hear, my dear Mas nada vai ao menos mudar até ouvires, meu querido The 7 things I hate about you The 7 things I hate about you As 7 coisas que eu odeio em você The 7 things I hate about you, oh you The 7 things I hate about you, oh you As 7 coisas que eu odeio em você, em você You're vain, your games, you're insecure You're vain, your games, you're insecure És convencido,os teus jogos,és inseguro You love me, you like her You love me, you like her Você me ama,você gosta dela You make me laugh, you make me cry You make me laugh, you make me cry Me faz rir,me faz chorar I don't know which side to buy I don't know which side to buy Eu não sei que lado comprar Your friends, they're jerks Your friends, they're jerks Os teus amigos são uns idiotas When you act like them, just know it hurts When you act like them, just know it hurts E quando age como eles, sabe como me magoa I wanna be with the one I know I wanna be with the one I know Eu quero estar com o que eu conheço And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do E a sétima coisa que eu mais odeio em você You make me love you You make me love you É que você faz que eu te ame It's awkward and it's silent It's awkward and it's silent É constrangedor e é silencioso As I wait for you to say As I wait for you to say Como eu espero que você diga What I need to hear now What I need to hear now O que eu preciso ouvir agora Your sincere apology Your sincere apology As tuas sinceras desculpas When you mean it, I'll believe it When you mean it, I'll believe it E quando pensar nisso, eu vou acreditar If you text it, I'll delete it If you text it, I'll delete it Se escrever isso, eu vou apagar Let's be clear Let's be clear Vamos ser claros Oh I'm not coming back Oh I'm not coming back Eu não vou voltar You're taking 7 steps here You're taking 7 steps here Você está tendo os 7 passos aqui The 7 things I hate about you The 7 things I hate about you As 7 coisas que eu odeio em você You're vain, your games, you're insecure You're vain, your games, you're insecure As 7 coisas que eu odeio em você, em você You love me, you like her You love me, you like her É convencido,os seus jogos,é inseguro You make me laugh, you make me cry You make me laugh, you make me cry Você me ama,você gosta dela I don't know which side to buy I don't know which side to buy Me faz rir,me faz chorar Your friends, they're jerks Your friends, they're jerks Eu não sei que lado comprar When you act like them, just know it hurts When you act like them, just know it hurts Os seus amigos são uns idiotas I wanna be with the one I know I wanna be with the one I know E quando age como eles, sabe como me magoa And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do Eu quero estar com o que eu conheço You make me love you You make me love you E a sétima coisa que eu mais odeio em você And compared to all the great things And compared to all the great things É que você faz que eu te ame That would take too long to write That would take too long to write Comparado com todas as coisas boas I probably should mention I probably should mention Que demoraram tanto pra ser escritas The 7 that I like The 7 that I like Eu provavelmente devo dizer The 7 things I like about you The 7 things I like about you As 7 coisas que eu gosto Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's As 7 coisas que gosto em você When we kiss I'm hypnotized When we kiss I'm hypnotized O seu cabelo,Os seus olhos,os seus Levi's* velhos You make me laugh, you make me cry You make me laugh, you make me cry E quando nós nos beijamos, fico hipnotizada But I guess that's both I'll have to buy But I guess that's both I'll have to buy Me faz rir, me faz chorar Your hands in mine Your hands in mine Mas acho ambos eu devo compra When we're intertwined everything's alright When we're intertwined everything's alright A tua mão na minha I wanna be with the one I know I wanna be with the one I know Quando estamos juntos fica tudo bem And the 7th thing I like most that you do And the 7th thing I like most that you do Eu quero ficar com o que eu conheço You make me love you You make me love you E a sétima coisa que eu mais gosto em você You do You do É que você faz com que eu te ame

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