
Lost On The River

Perdido No Rio

Lost on the river, dark is the night Lost on the river, dark is the night Perdido no rio, escuro é a noite Just like the blind, praying for sight Just like the blind, praying for sight Assim como o cego, rezando pela vista Drifting alone, heart filled with strife Drifting alone, heart filled with strife Vagando sozinho, coração cheio de conflitos I'm lost on the river the river of life I'm lost on the river the river of life Estou perdido no rio, o rio da vida Once dear I thought I knew the way Once dear I thought I knew the way Uma vez querida, pensei que conhecia o caminho But, that was before ole sad yesterday But, that was before ole sad yesterday Isso foi antes de estar triste ontem Words that you told me cut like a knife Words that you told me cut like a knife Palavras que você disse cortaram como uma faca I'm lost on the river the river of life I'm lost on the river the river of life Estou perdido no rio, o rio da vida Out on this river where sorrow creeps Out on this river where sorrow creeps Fora desse rio onde a tristeza rasteja Thinking of you and how my heart weeps Thinking of you and how my heart weeps Pensando em você e em como meu coração chora Tomorrow you'll be another man's wife Tomorrow you'll be another man's wife Amanhã você será a esposa de outro homem And I'm lost on the river the river of life And I'm lost on the river the river of life E eu estou perdido no rio, o rio da vida

Composição: Hank Williams

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