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Back In My Day

Na Minha Época

We had maps that unfolded back in my day We had maps that unfolded back in my day Tivemos mapas que se desenrolavam na minha época You could drink from the river You could drink from the river Você podia beber do rio We had gods made of clay We had gods made of clay Nós tínhamos deuses feitos de argila There were mile-high glaciers, no locks on the doors There were mile-high glaciers, no locks on the doors Existiam geleiras com uma milha, sem fechaduras nas portas The stars burned brighter The stars burned brighter As estrelas queimavam mais brilhantemente We never counted past four We never counted past four Nós nunca contávamos depois das quatro The birds were always watching The birds were always watching As aves estavam sempre olhando There were monsters in the sea There were monsters in the sea Haviam monstros no mar We wore watches on our wrists We wore watches on our wrists Nós usávamos relógios nos pulsos There were ghosts in the trees There were ghosts in the trees Haviam fantasmas nas árvores Way back in the days Way back in the days De volta aos dias You’re too young to have seen You’re too young to have seen Você era muito novo para ter visto When the nights were darker When the nights were darker Quando as noites eram mais sombrias Longer and deep Longer and deep Mais longas e profundas There was no time or space when I was growing up There was no time or space when I was growing up Não havia tempo ou espaço quando eu estava crescendo We had summer all winter We had summer all winter Nós tínhamos verão em todo inverno The moon rose with the sun The moon rose with the sun A lua nascia junto ao sol And music sounded better And music sounded better E a música soava melhor We recorded on rings of ice We recorded on rings of ice Nós gravávamos em anéis de gelo And as the songs turned to water And as the songs turned to water E enquanto os sons viravam água We couldn’t help but cry We couldn’t help but cry Nós não podíamos evitar em chorar Way back in the good days Way back in the good days De volta aos bons dias The ones you didn’t see The ones you didn’t see Aqueles que você não viu When everything was better When everything was better Quando tudo era melhor Darker and deep Darker and deep Mais sombrio e profundo

Composição: Brett Sparks

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