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Ten Duel Commandments

Os Dez Mandamentos do Duelo

[Men] [Men] [Homens] One, two, three, four One, two, three, four Um, dois, três, quatro [Full Company] [Full Company] [Companhia] Five, six, seven, eight, nine Five, six, seven, eight, nine Cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove [Burr Hamilton Laurens Lee] [Burr Hamilton Laurens Lee] [Burr, Hamilton, Laurens e Lee] It's the Ten Duel Commandments It's the Ten Duel Commandments São os Dez Mandamentos do Duelo [Full Company] [Full Company] [Companhia] It's the Ten Duel Commandments It's the Ten Duel Commandments São os Dez Mandamentos do Duelo Number one! Number one! Número um! [Laurens] [Laurens] [Laurens] The challenge: demand satisfaction The challenge: demand satisfaction O desafio: Exigir satisfação If they apologize If they apologize Se a pessoa pedir desculpas No need for further action No need for further action Não é necessário ir adiante [Company] [Company] [Companhia] Number two! Number two! Número dois! [Laurens] [Laurens] [Laurens] If they don't, grab a friend If they don't, grab a friend Se não pedirem desculpa, ache um amigo That's your second That's your second Ele vai ser sua mão direita [Hamilton] [Hamilton] [Hamilton] Your lieutenant when there's reckoning to be reckoned Your lieutenant when there's reckoning to be reckoned Seu tenente, quando há um ajuste de contas a ser feito [Company] [Company] [Company] Number three! Number three! Numero três! [Lee] [Lee] [Lee] Have your seconds meet face to face Have your seconds meet face to face Faça com que os tenentes se encontrem cara à cara [Burr] [Burr] [Burr] Negotiate a peace Negotiate a peace Negocie uma trégua [Hamilton] [Hamilton] [Hamilton] Or negotiate a time and place Or negotiate a time and place Ou negocie uma hora e um lugar [Burr] [Burr] [Burr] This is commonplace, 'specially 'tween recruits This is commonplace, 'specially 'tween recruits Aqui, isso é comum, especialmente entre recrutas [Company] [Company] [Companhia] Most disputes die, and no one shoots Most disputes die, and no one shoots A maioria das desavenças acabam, e ninguém atira Number four! Number four! Número quatro! [Laurens] [Laurens] [Laurens] If they don't reach a peace, that's alright If they don't reach a peace, that's alright Se eles não atingirem uma trégua, tudo bem Time to get some pistols and a doctor on site Time to get some pistols and a doctor on site Hora de pegar umas pistolas e trazer um médico para o local [Hamilton] [Hamilton] [Hamilton] You pay him in advance, you treat him with civility You pay him in advance, you treat him with civility Você o paga adiantado, você o trata com educação [Burr] [Burr] [Burr] You have him turn around You have him turn around Você o faz virar de costas So he can have deniability So he can have deniability Para que ele possa negar participação [Company] [Company] [Companhia] Five! Five! Cinco! [Lee] [Lee] [Lee] Duel before the sun is in the sky Duel before the sun is in the sky Duele antes que o Sol apareça no céu [Company] [Company] [Companhia] Pick a place to die where it's high and dry Pick a place to die where it's high and dry Escolha um lugar para morrer que seja alto e seco Number six! Number six! Número seis! [Hamilton] [Hamilton] [Hamilton] Leave a note for your next of kin Leave a note for your next of kin Deixe um bilhete para um parente próximo Tell 'em where you been Tell 'em where you been Diga onde esteve Pray that hell or heaven lets you in Pray that hell or heaven lets you in Reze para que o inferno ou o céu lhe deixem entrar [Company] [Company] [Companhia] Seven! Seven! Sete! [Lee] [Lee] [Lee] Confess your sins Confess your sins Confesse seus pecados Ready for the moment of adrenaline Ready for the moment of adrenaline Pronto para o momento de adrenalina When you finally face your opponent When you finally face your opponent Quando finalmente encarar seu oponente [Company] [Company] [Companhia] Number eight! Number eight! Número oito! [Laurens Lee Hamilton Burr] [Laurens Lee Hamilton Burr] [Laurens, Lee, Hamilton, Burr] Your last chance to negotiate Your last chance to negotiate Sua última chance de negociar Send in your seconds Send in your seconds Envie seus tenentes See if they can set the record straight See if they can set the record straight Veja se eles conseguem acertar as coisas [Burr] [Burr] [Burr] Alexander Alexander Alexander [Hamilton] [Hamilton] [Hamilton] Aaron Burr, sir Aaron Burr, sir Aaron Burr, senhor [Burr] [Burr] [Burr] Can we agree that duels are dumb and Immature? Can we agree that duels are dumb and Immature? Podemos concordar que duelos são idiotas e imaturos? [Hamilton] [Hamilton] [Hamilton] Sure Sure Claro But your man has to answer for his words, Burr But your man has to answer for his words, Burr Mas seu homem deve responder por suas palavras, Burr [Burr] [Burr] [Burr] With his life? With his life? Com a própria vida? We both know that's absurd, sir We both know that's absurd, sir Nós dois sabemos que isso é um absurdo, senhor [Hamilton] [Hamilton] [Hamilton] Hang on, how many men died Hang on, how many men died Espere aí, quantos homens morreram Because Lee was inexperienced and ruinous? Because Lee was inexperienced and ruinous? Porque Lee era inexperiente e desastroso? [Burr] [Burr] [Burr] Okay, so we're doin' this Okay, so we're doin' this Ok, então vai acontecer [Company] [Company] [Companhia] Number nine! Number nine! Número nove! [Hamilton] [Hamilton] [Hamilton] Look 'em in the eye, aim no higher Look 'em in the eye, aim no higher Olhe-o nos olhos, não mire acima disso Summon all the courage you require Summon all the courage you require Reúna toda a coragem de que precisa Then count Then count Então conte [Men] [Men] [Homens] One two three four One two three four Um, dois, três, quatro [Full Company] [Full Company] [Companhia] Five six seven eight nine Five six seven eight nine Cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove [Hamilton Burr] [Hamilton Burr] [Hamilton Burr] Number Number Número [Company] [Company] [Companhia] Ten paces! Ten paces! Dez passos! [Hamilton Burr] [Hamilton Burr] [Hamilton, Burr] Fire! Fire! Fogo!

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