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See You In Heaven

Vejo você no céu

É difícil dizer adeus, minha amiga, it's hard to say goodbye, my friend, it's hard to say goodbye, my friend, mas esta espera não pode durar para sempre; but this waiting can't last forever; but this waiting can't last forever; Cedo ou tarde o sol tem que se pôr, sooner or later the sun must set sooner or later the sun must set terminando este tempo juntos ending this time together. ending this time together. Eu queria poder ter mais uma chance i wish that i had one more chance i wish that i had one more chance de passar outro dia ao seu lado, to spend another day with you, to spend another day with you, E sei que apesar disso eu posso and even though i know i can and even though i know i can Eu verei você no céu... i'll see you in heaven. i'll see you in heaven. A única coisa que dói mais que perdê-la the only thing that hurts more than losing you the only thing that hurts more than losing you são todos os anos que vivi sem você; are all of the years of living without you. are all of the years of living without you. Eu quero correr de volta para você i wanna run back to you i wanna run back to you e lhe mostrar a vida que eu tenho vivido sem você, and show you the life i've lived without you, and show you the life i've lived without you, Porque viver sem você é a única coisa que dói 'cause living without you is the only thing that hurts 'cause living without you is the only thing that hurts mais que perdê-la more than you. more than you. Eu vejo uma foto de uma pequena criança i see a picture of a little child, i see a picture of a little child, ficando sozinha,desejando saber onde você está; standing alone, wondering where you are. standing alone, wondering where you are. Eu não posso acreditar como esta criança cresceu, i can't believe how this child has grown, i can't believe how this child has grown, vivendo esta vida às vezes tão só; living this life, sometimes so alone. living this life, sometimes so alone. Porém eu queria ter mais uma chance wishing i had one more chance wishing i had one more chance de ter você me abraçando uma outra vez; to have you hold me once again, to have you hold me once again, E sei que apesar disso eu posso now even though i know you can now even though i know you can você me abraçará no céu... you'll hold me in heaven. you'll hold me in heaven. Eu deixei tantos anos de vida passarem i've let so many years of life go by i've let so many years of life go by pensando que tudo estava resolvido; thinking it's all worked out. thinking it's all worked out. agora eu percebo que eu sei now i realize i do now now i realize i do now como dizer que isto terminou e deixar você ir por enquanto; to say that it's over and let you go for now. to say that it's over and let you go for now. Porém eu queria ter mais uma chance still, i wish that i had one more chance still, i wish that i had one more chance de dizer "eu te amo" mais uma vez, to say i love you one more time, to say i love you one more time, E sei que apesar disso eu posso and even though i know i can and even though i know i can eu direi no céu... i'll say it in heaven. i'll say it in heaven. eu verei você no céu... i'll see you in heaven . . . i'll see you in heaven . . .

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