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Break Me Down

Break Me Down

Bought me a bargain basement laboratory Bought me a bargain basement laboratory Comprou-me uma pechincha cave laboratório With a rack and a humpback elf With a rack and a humpback elf Com um rack e uma corcunda elfo Then I sewed together all the glory I'd collected Then I sewed together all the glory I'd collected Então eu sewed juntos toda a glória I'd recolhidos To immortalize my good self To immortalize my good self Para imortalizar a minha boa auto Thought I'd build me a better Frankenstein Thought I'd build me a better Frankenstein Thought I'd construir-me uma melhor Frankenstein But the monster turned on me But the monster turned on me Mas o monstro transformou em mim No slobbering torchlit pitchfork mob No slobbering torchlit pitchfork mob Não slobbering torchlit forquilha mob Could ever kill this vanity Could ever kill this vanity Jamais poderia matar essa vaidade Lord, you made every part of me Lord, you made every part of me Senhor, que fez cada parte de mim I'm ready I'm ready Estou pronto Break me down Break me down Break me down Won't you break me down Won't you break me down Você não vai quebrar-me no chão Made me a really monumental monument Made me a really monumental monument Fez-me realmente um monumental monumento I set each shiny brick I set each shiny brick I set brilhante cada tijolo And I grew so high a jet flew by And I grew so high a jet flew by E eu crescia tão alto por um jato voou And the fumes sort of made me sick And the fumes sort of made me sick E o tipo de fumos me fez mal If my Father shaped the universe If my Father shaped the universe Se meu Pai moldaram o universo Then why do I still insist Then why do I still insist Então, por que eu continuo a insistir On playing god when I'm a fraud On playing god when I'm a fraud Em Deus quando estou a jogar uma fraude I'm a certified narcissist I'm a certified narcissist Eu sou um narcisista certificadas You fashioned every part of me You fashioned every part of me Você moldou cada parte de mim I'm ready I'm ready Estou pronto Break me down Break me down Break me down Break me down Break me down Break me down Do what you do to me Do what you do to me Faça o que você faz para mim I know you see through me I know you see through me Eu sei que você vê através de mim Break me down Break me down Break me down

Composição: Tony Placidos

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