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Awful Dreadful Snake

Horrível terrível Serpente

Our darling wandered far away while she was out at play Our darling wandered far away while she was out at play Nosso querido vagava longe, enquanto ela estava fora de jogo Lost in the woods she couldn't hear a sound Lost in the woods she couldn't hear a sound Perdido na floresta, ela não podia ouvir um som She was our darling girl the sweetest thing in all the world She was our darling girl the sweetest thing in all the world Ela foi a nossa querida menina a coisa mais doce em todo o mundo We searched for her but she couldn't be found We searched for her but she couldn't be found Procuramos por ela, mas ela não pôde ser encontrado I heard the screams of our little girl far away I heard the screams of our little girl far away Eu ouvi os gritos da nossa menina longe Hurry Daddy there's and awful dreadful snake Hurry Daddy there's and awful dreadful snake Papai não há pressa e terrível terrível serpente I ran as fast as I could through the dark and dreary woods I ran as fast as I could through the dark and dreary woods Eu corri tão rápido como eu poderia através da floresta escura e sombria But I reached our darling girl too late But I reached our darling girl too late Mas cheguei a nossa menina querida tarde demais Oh I began to cry I knew that soon she'd have to die Oh I began to cry I knew that soon she'd have to die Oh, eu comecei a chorar Eu sabia que logo ela teria que morrer For the snake was warning me close by For the snake was warning me close by Para a serpente foi me avisar por perto I held her close to my face she said daddy kill that snake I held her close to my face she said daddy kill that snake Eu abracei a minha cara, disse que o papai matar cobra It's getting dark tell mommy goodbye It's getting dark tell mommy goodbye Está ficando escuro dizer adeus mamãe To all parents I must say don't let your children stray away To all parents I must say don't let your children stray away Para todos os pais, devo dizer, não deixar seus filhos desviar They need your love to guide them along They need your love to guide them along Eles precisam do seu amor para guiá-los ao longo Oh God I pray we'll see our darling girl some day Oh God I pray we'll see our darling girl some day Oh Deus, eu rezo veremos nossa filha querida, algum dia It seems we still can hear her voice around our home It seems we still can hear her voice around our home Parece que ainda posso ouvir sua voz em torno de nossa casa

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