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Liberty Line

Linha de Liberdade

Well I ran in to some trouble and headed out toward Liberty Line. Well I ran in to some trouble and headed out toward Liberty Line. Bem, eu corria para algum problema e saiu em direção a Liberty Line. I heard voices going in my head, “you could be livin' more than you could be dyin'.” I heard voices going in my head, “you could be livin' more than you could be dyin'.” Ouvi vozes vai na minha cabeça ", você poderia estar vivendo mais do que você poderia estar morrendo." I remember when we fell in love; you were the one I thought I'd never meet. I remember when we fell in love; you were the one I thought I'd never meet. Eu me lembro quando nós nos apaixonamos, você era o que eu pensei que nunca se encontram. I taste your words on the tip of my tongue; they were soft and they were sweet. I taste your words on the tip of my tongue; they were soft and they were sweet. Eu gosto de suas palavras na ponta da minha língua, eram macios e eram doces. But we ran into some trouble; we knew our love was slowly dyin' But we ran into some trouble; we knew our love was slowly dyin' Mas nós funcionamos em algum problema, nós sabíamos que nosso amor foi morrendo lentamente " And when we said the words that ended us, I headed out toward Liberty Line. And when we said the words that ended us, I headed out toward Liberty Line. E quando disse as palavras que terminaram nós, eu fui em direção Liberty Line. The night was some kind of quiet; I could almost hear myself think. The night was some kind of quiet; I could almost hear myself think. A noite era uma espécie de silêncio, eu quase podia ouvir-me pensar. I felt my heart was like a heavy flood; I'm gonna float or I'm gonna sink. I felt my heart was like a heavy flood; I'm gonna float or I'm gonna sink. Senti meu coração era como uma inundação pesada, eu vou flutuar ou eu vou afundar. I was thinking we could settle down, start a family, and start a life. I was thinking we could settle down, start a family, and start a life. Eu estava pensando que poderia estabelecer-se, formar uma família e começar uma vida. I was only two days short of asking you if you would be my wife. I was only two days short of asking you if you would be my wife. Fiquei apenas dois dias antes de perguntar se seria a minha esposa. But we ran into some trouble, we met that enemy that we call time. But we ran into some trouble, we met that enemy that we call time. Mas nós funcionamos em algum problema, nós encontramos que o inimigo que chamamos de tempo. Threw my guitar in the back of my car and headed out toward Liberty Line. Threw my guitar in the back of my car and headed out toward Liberty Line. Joguei a minha guitarra nas costas do meu carro e saí em direção a Liberty Line. I didn't know what would be waiting there. I didn't know what I would find. I didn't know what would be waiting there. I didn't know what I would find. Eu não sabia o que estaria esperando lá. Eu não sabia o que iria encontrar. But I knew I had to make it, make it to Liberty Line. But I knew I had to make it, make it to Liberty Line. Mas eu sabia que tinha que fazê-lo, torná-lo para Liberty Line. They say you can't see the forest when you're there among the trees. They say you can't see the forest when you're there among the trees. Eles dizem que você não pode ver a floresta quando você está lá entre as árvores. They say it takes a separation to find some kind of clarity. They say it takes a separation to find some kind of clarity. Dizem que tem uma separação para encontrar algum tipo de esclarecimento. But I feel I'm gonna make it to the line where freedom waits, But I feel I'm gonna make it to the line where freedom waits, Mas eu sinto que eu vou fazer isso para a linha onde a liberdade de espera, And then this lonely prisoner can cross the border to a better state. And then this lonely prisoner can cross the border to a better state. E então, este prisioneiro só pode atravessar a fronteira para um estado melhor. Now I'm on my last stretch of road, and I don't know what I'm gonna find. Now I'm on my last stretch of road, and I don't know what I'm gonna find. Agora eu estou no meu último trecho de estrada, e eu não sei o que vou encontrar. Maybe the sheriff will be waiting there and stop me short of Liberty Line. Maybe the sheriff will be waiting there and stop me short of Liberty Line. Talvez o xerife estará esperando lá e pare de me curto de Liberty Line. Off in the distance, I'm coming closer with every breath, Off in the distance, I'm coming closer with every breath, Fora na distância, eu estou voltando mais a cada respiração, I see a woman staring back at me. I stop the car. She comes up on my left. I see a woman staring back at me. I stop the car. She comes up on my left. Eu vejo uma mulher olhando para mim. Eu paro o carro. Ela vem até à minha esquerda. She said, “I didn't know if you would make it see, I got this enemy that I call time, She said, “I didn't know if you would make it see, I got this enemy that I call time, Ela disse: "Eu não sabia se faria ver, eu tenho esse inimigo que eu chamo de tempo, But I was wondering could I hitch a ride, by the way my name is Liberty Line.” But I was wondering could I hitch a ride, by the way my name is Liberty Line.” Mas eu estava imaginando que eu poderia pegar uma carona, a propósito, meu nome é Liberty Line ". I didn't know what would be waiting there. I didn't know what I would find. I didn't know what would be waiting there. I didn't know what I would find. Eu não sabia o que estaria esperando lá. Eu não sabia o que iria encontrar. But I knew I had to make it, make it to Liberty Line. But I knew I had to make it, make it to Liberty Line. Mas eu sabia que tinha que fazê-lo, torná-lo para Liberty Line.

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