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The Adolescent

O Adolescente

We close our eyes, wait for the night to come We close our eyes, wait for the night to come Nós fechamos os olhos, esperamos a noite que vem It just takes time It just takes time Isso só leva tempo This boy is why we've come from far away, but who saves whose life? This boy is why we've come from far away, but who saves whose life? Esse menino é o motivo pelo qual viemos de longe, mas quem salva a vida de quem? Day after day, skin burned in deadly heat — a fractional piece Day after day, skin burned in deadly heat — a fractional piece Dia após dia, a pele queimada em calor mortal - uma peça fracionada Night after night, it becomes clear to me that I'm wasting time Night after night, it becomes clear to me that I'm wasting time Noite após noite, fica claro para mim que estou perdendo tempo We've tried and we're tired, but there's still much to be done We've tried and we're tired, but there's still much to be done Nós tentamos e estamos cansados, mas ainda há muito por fazer Let's not lose sight. 3:00 AM comes, he calls them to their knees and I pray we're right Let's not lose sight. 3:00 AM comes, he calls them to their knees and I pray we're right Não vamos perder a vista. 3:00 da manhã vem, ele os chama de joelhos e rezo para que tenhamos razão

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