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Du Meine Leise

Assista a Minha Calma

Hope to forget, things that were said. How did we get here? Inside your head, all the hate and sin. Stay in tonight. It's cold outside. Don't think, just lie down. It's not simple; it shouldn't be. This has to be done for you to believe. I'll be here when things die down and the winter is gone. Hope to forget, things that were said. How did we get here? Inside your head, all the hate and sin. Stay in tonight. It's cold outside. Don't think, just lie down. It's not simple; it shouldn't be. This has to be done for you to believe. I'll be here when things die down and the winter is gone. Esperando esquecer, as coisas que foram ditas. Eomo chegamos aqui? dentro de sua mente, toda a ira e pecado. fique em casa essa noite. está frio lá fora. não pense, apenas deite-se. não é simples; não deveria ser. isso teve que ser feito para que você acreditasse. eu estarei aqui quando as coisas se acalmarem e o inverno tiver ido embora.

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