let me tell you a story let me tell you a story déjame que te cuente una historia about an old friend about an old friend acerca de un viejo amigo he seemed pretty he seemed pretty parecía bastante but thought he was missing something but thought he was missing something sino que pensaba que estaba perdiendo de algo down on the street one day down on the street one day abajo en la calle un día he saw a shining light he saw a shining light vio una luz brillante he let his thoughts consume her he let his thoughts consume her dejó que sus pensamientos de su consumo all through the night all through the night durante toda la noche he said, "baby won´t you take me he said, "baby won´t you take me , dijo, "bebé no me llevas through your tunnel of love" through your tunnel of love" a través de su túnel del amor " she said, "maybe, she said, "maybe, dijo, "tal vez, only if you´re willing to give it all up" only if you´re willing to give it all up" si usted está dispuesto a dejarlo todo " he smiled and said, he smiled and said, él sonrió y dijo: "sure whatever you say" "sure whatever you say" "seguro de lo que usted diga" that´s when he started that´s when he started fue entonces cuando empezó a to drain away to drain away para drenar all he ever wanted was a piece of her love all he ever wanted was a piece of her love todo lo que quería era un pedazo de su amor you know he lost more than he ever got you know he lost more than he ever got usted sabe que perdió más de lo que alguna vez se a loce so tender, a love so sweet a loce so tender, a love so sweet una LOCE tan tierno, un amor tan dulce two cannibals devouring each other´+s meat two cannibals devouring each other´+s meat dos caníbales devoran unos a otros ' s carne then one day he came over to my place then one day he came over to my place Hasta que un día llegó a mi casa i opened the door to his greenish-white face i opened the door to his greenish-white face Abrí la puerta de su cara de color blanco verdoso he fell down shaking, onto my floor he fell down shaking, onto my floor cayó temblando, en mi piso writhing and screaming, "no more, no more, no more writhing and screaming, "no more, no more, no more retorciéndose y gritando "no más, no más, no más no no, no more, no more..." no no, no more, no more..." no, no, no, no ... " that´s when i began to understand that´s when i began to understand fue entonces cuando empecé a comprender what he came here for what he came here for lo que él vino aquí para when she was young she was told when she was young she was told cuando era joven se le dijo the way to a man´s heart is through his stomach the way to a man´s heart is through his stomach el camino hacia el corazón del hombre es a través de su estómago she didn´t listen to her mom she didn´t listen to her mom ella no hizo caso a su mamá she slipped in through his prick she slipped in through his prick se deslizó a través de su polla he thought she was the woman of his dreams he thought she was the woman of his dreams él pensó que ella era la mujer de sus sueños she turned out to be the woman of his screams she turned out to be the woman of his screams que resultó ser la mujer de sus gritos woman, woman, woman, come out woman, woman, woman, come out mujer, mujer, mujer, salir woman, woman, woman, come out woman, woman, woman, come out mujer, mujer, mujer, salir