
Jesus of Suburbia

Jesús de los suburbios

[Part I] [Part I] Parte I] I'm the son of rage and love I'm the son of rage and love Soy el hijo de la ira y el amor The Jesus of suburbia The Jesus of suburbia El Jesús de los suburbios From the bible of none of the above From the bible of none of the above De la Biblia de ninguna de las anteriores On a steady diet of On a steady diet of En una dieta constante de Soda pop and Ritalin Soda pop and Ritalin Soda pop y Ritalin No one ever died for my sins in hell No one ever died for my sins in hell Nadie murió por mis pecados en el infierno As far as I can tell As far as I can tell Por lo que puedo decir At least the ones I got away with At least the ones I got away with Por lo menos los que yo se salió con la And there's nothing wrong with me And there's nothing wrong with me Y no hay nada de malo en mí This is how I'm supposed to be This is how I'm supposed to be Así es como se supone que debo ser In a land of make believe In a land of make believe En una tierra de hacer creer That don't believe in me That don't believe in me Que no creen en mí Get my television fix Get my television fix Obtener mi dosis de televisión sitting on my crucifix sitting on my crucifix sentado en mi crucifijo A living room on my private womb A living room on my private womb Una sala de estar en mi vientre privado While the moms and brads are away While the moms and brads are away Mientras que las mamás y los clavitos está lejos To fall in love and fall in debt To fall in love and fall in debt A caer en el amor y la caída de la deuda To alcohol and cigarettes To alcohol and cigarettes De alcohol y cigarrillos And mary jane And mary jane Y Mary Jane To keep me insane To keep me insane Para evitar que me vuelve loco Doing someone else's cocaine Doing someone else's cocaine Alguien que hace más de cocaína And there's nothing wrong with me And there's nothing wrong with me Y no hay nada de malo en mí This is how I'm supposed to be This is how I'm supposed to be Así es como se supone que debo ser In a land of make believe In a land of make believe En una tierra de hacer creer That don't believe in me That don't believe in me Que no creen en mí [Part II: City Of The Damned] [Part II: City Of The Damned] [Parte II: Ciudad de los Condenados] At the center of the Earth At the center of the Earth En el centro de la Tierra In the parking lot In the parking lot En el estacionamiento Of the 7-11 were I was taught Of the 7-11 were I was taught De las 07.11 se me enseñó The motto was just a lie The motto was just a lie El lema era solo una mentira It says home is where your heart is It says home is where your heart is Se dice que el hogar es donde está su corazón But what a shame But what a shame Pero lo que es una vergüenza Cause everyone's heart Cause everyone's heart Hacer que el corazón de todo el mundo Doesn't beat the same Doesn't beat the same No superar el mismo It's beating out of time It's beating out of time Es latiendo fuera de tiempo City of the dead City of the dead Ciudad de los muertos At the end of another lost highway At the end of another lost highway Al final de otra carretera perdida Signs misleading to nowhere Signs misleading to nowhere Señales engañosas a ninguna parte city of the damned city of the damned Ciudad de los Condenados Lost children with dirty faces today Lost children with dirty faces today Niños perdidos con la cara sucia hoy Noone really seems to care Noone really seems to care En realidad, nadie parece importarle I read the graffiti I read the graffiti Leí el graffiti In the bathroom stall In the bathroom stall En el puesto cuarto de baño Like the holy scriptures of a shopping mall Like the holy scriptures of a shopping mall Al igual que las sagradas escrituras de un centro comercial And so it seemed to confess And so it seemed to confess Y eso me parecía a confesar It didn't say much It didn't say much No dijo mucho But it only confirmed that But it only confirmed that Pero sólo se confirmó que The center of the earth The center of the earth El centro de la Tierra Is the end of the world Is the end of the world Es el fin del mundo And I could really careless And I could really careless Y yo podría realmente descuidado City of the dead City of the dead Ciudad de los muertos At the end of another lost highway At the end of another lost highway Al final de otra carretera perdida Signs misleading to nowhere Signs misleading to nowhere Señales engañosas a ninguna parte city of the damned city of the damned Ciudad de los Condenados Lost children with dirty faces today Lost children with dirty faces today Niños perdidos con la cara sucia hoy Noone really seems to careeeeee Noone really seems to careeeeee En realidad, nadie parece careeeeee HEY! HEY! HEY! [Part III: I Don't Care] [Part III: I Don't Care] [Parte III: No me importa] I don't care if you don't I don't care if you don't No me importa si no I don't care if you don't I don't care if you don't No me importa si no I don't care if you don't care X5 I don't care if you don't care X5 No me importa si no te importa X5 I don't careeeeeeeeee I don't careeeeeeeeee No careeeeeeeeee Everyone's so full of shit Everyone's so full of shit Todo el mundo está tan lleno de mierda Born and raised by hypocrits Born and raised by hypocrits Nacido y criado por hipócritas Hearts recycled but never saved Hearts recycled but never saved Corazones reciclados pero nunca guarda From the cradle to the grave From the cradle to the grave Desde la cuna hasta la tumba We are the kids of war and peace We are the kids of war and peace Somos los niños de la guerra y la paz From Anaheim to the Middle East From Anaheim to the Middle East De Anaheim al Medio Oriente We are the stories and disciples of We are the stories and disciples of Somos las historias y los discípulos de The Jesus of suburbia The Jesus of suburbia El Jesús de los suburbios Land of make believe Land of make believe Tierra de hacer creer And it don't believe in me And it don't believe in me Y no creen en mí Land of make believe Land of make believe Tierra de hacer creer And I don't believe And I don't believe Y no creo que And I don't care! And I don't care! Y no me importa! I don't care! I don't care! No me importa! [Part IV: Dearly Beloved] [Part IV: Dearly Beloved] [Parte IV: Amados] Dearly beloved are you listening? Dearly beloved are you listening? Amados estás escuchando? I can't remember a word that you were saying I can't remember a word that you were saying No puedo recordar una palabra que se dice Are we demented or am I disturbed? Are we demented or am I disturbed? Estamos dementes o soy molestado? The space that's in between insane and insecure The space that's in between insane and insecure El espacio que está entre loco e inseguro Oh therapy, can you please fill the void? Oh therapy, can you please fill the void? Oh terapia, podrías por favor llenar el vacío? Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed Estoy retrasado o solo estoy muy contento Nobody's perfect and I stand accused Nobody's perfect and I stand accused Nadie es perfecto y yo estoy acusado For lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse For lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse A falta de una palabra mejor, y ese es mi mejor excusa [Part V: Tales Of Another Broken Home] [Part V: Tales Of Another Broken Home] [Parte V: Cuentos de otro hogar roto] To live and not to breathe To live and not to breathe Para vivir y no respirar Is to die in tragedy Is to die in tragedy Es morir en tragedia To run, to run away To run, to run away Para correr, de huir To find what you believe To find what you believe Para encontrar lo que usted cree And I leave behind And I leave behind Y dejo atrás This hurricane of fucking lies This hurricane of fucking lies Este huracán de mierda se encuentra I lost my faith to this I lost my faith to this He perdido mi fe a esta This town that don't exist This town that don't exist Esta ciudad que no existen So I run So I run Así que me quedo I run away I run away Yo huyo The light of masochist The light of masochist La luz de masoquista And I leave behind And I leave behind Y dejo atrás This hurricane of fucking lies This hurricane of fucking lies Este huracán de mierda se encuentra And I walked this line And I walked this line Y yo caminamos esta línea A million and one fucking times A million and one fucking times Un millón de veces y follando But not this time But not this time Pero esta vez no I don't feel any shame I don't feel any shame Yo no siento ninguna vergüenza I won't apologize I won't apologize No voy a pedir disculpas When there ain't nowhere you can go When there ain't nowhere you can go Cuando no hay ningún sitio donde pueda ir Running away from pain Running away from pain Huir del dolor When you've been victimized When you've been victimized Cuando usted ha sido víctima Tales from another broken HOME Tales from another broken HOME Cuentos de otro hogar roto You're leaving... You're leaving... Te vas ... You're leaving... You're leaving... Te vas ... You're leaving... You're leaving... Te vas ... Ah you're leaving home... Ah you're leaving home... Ah te vas a casa ...

Composição: Green Day

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