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Fear Of The Dark

Fear Of The Dark (Tradução)

I am a man who walks alone I am a man who walks alone Eu sou um homem que anda sozinho And when I'm walking in a dark road And when I'm walking in a dark road E quando eu ando em uma estrada escura At night or strolling through the park At night or strolling through the park De noite ou passeando pelo parque When the lights begins to change When the lights begins to change Quando as luzes começam a mudar I sometimes feel a little strange I sometimes feel a little strange Eu algumas vezes me sinto um pouco estranho A little anxious when it's dark A little anxious when it's dark Um pouco ansioso quando está escuro Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Medo do escuro, medo do escuro I have a constant fear that something's I have a constant fear that something's Eu tenho medo constante de que algo está sempre perto always near always near Medo do escuro, medo do escuro Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Eu tenho uma fobia de que alguém está ali I have a phobia that someone's I have a phobia that someone's Você já correu seus dedos pela parede always there always there E sentiu a pele de sua nuca arrepiar Have you run your fingers down Have you run your fingers down Quando estava procurando a luz? the wall the wall Algumas vezes quando você está com medo de olhar And have you felt your neck skin crawl And have you felt your neck skin crawl No canto da sala When you're searching for the light? When you're searching for the light? Você sente que alguma coisa está observando você Sometimes when you're scared Sometimes when you're scared Você alguma vez já esteve sozinho a noite to take a look to take a look Pensou que ouviu passos atrás de você At the corner of the room At the corner of the room E virou de costas e não havia ninguém lá? You've sensed that something's You've sensed that something's E a medida que você acelera seu passo watching you watching you Você acha difícil olhar novamente Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Porque você tem certeza de que alguém está ali I have a constant fear that something's I have a constant fear that something's Assistindo filmes de terror na noite anterior always near always near Debatendo sobre bruxas e folclore Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Os problemas desconhecidos na sua mente I have a phobia that someone's I have a phobia that someone's Talvez sua mente esteja pregando truques always there always there Você sente, e subitamente seus olhos fixam Have you ever been alone at night Have you ever been alone at night Nas sombras dançantes atrás de voçê Thought you heard footsteps behind Thought you heard footsteps behind And turned around and no one's there? And turned around and no one's there? And as you quicken up your pace And as you quicken up your pace You'll find it hard to look again You'll find it hard to look again Because you're sure that Because you're sure that someone's there someone's there Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a constant fear that something's I have a constant fear that something's always near always near Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a phobia that someone's I have a phobia that someone's always there always there Watching horror films the night before Watching horror films the night before Debating witches and folklores Debating witches and folklores The unknown troubles on your mind The unknown troubles on your mind Maybe your mind is playing tricks Maybe your mind is playing tricks You sense, and suddenly eyes fix You sense, and suddenly eyes fix On dancing shadows from behind On dancing shadows from behind Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have constant fear that something's I have constant fear that something's always near always near Fear of the dark, fear of the dark Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a phobia that someone's I have a phobia that someone's always there always there

Composição: Stephen Harris

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