
Battle of Bannockburn

Batalha de Bannockburn

[1] The wind lashed in our faces [1] The wind lashed in our faces O vento bateu em nossos rostos The English found our traces The English found our traces Os ingleses descobriram nossos rastros On moss-covered land On moss-covered land Na terra coberta de musgo Scotland we defend Scotland we defend Nós defendemos a Escócia At Stirling bridge we try to last At Stirling bridge we try to last Na ponte de Stirling tentamos resistir But we fail to stand fast But we fail to stand fast Mas falhamos em resistir firmemente Blood mingles with pouring rain Blood mingles with pouring rain Sangue se mistura com a chuva torrencial Writing tales of pain Writing tales of pain Escrevendo contos de dor Help - Else we will perish Help - Else we will perish Ajude ? senão iremos perecer Help - Else we will vanish Help - Else we will vanish Ajude ? senão iremos desaparecer Look - Heaven's sign Look - Heaven's sign Veja ? o sinal dos céus Look - Ship's graceful lines Look - Ship's graceful lines Veja ? as linhas graciosas do navio White knights appear White knights appear Cavaleiros brancos aparecem Silhouetted against the dark Silhouetted against the dark Como silhuetas contra a escuridão In the battle of Bannockburn In the battle of Bannockburn Na batalha de Bannockburn The table turns The table turns A sorte muda de lado Few knights appear Few knights appear Poucos cavaleiros aparecem But masters of the fight But masters of the fight Mas os mestres do combate In the battle of Bannockburn In the battle of Bannockburn Na batalha de Bannockburn The table turns The table turns A sorte muda de lado [2] They draw their glaming swords [2] They draw their glaming swords Eles sacam suas espadas reluzentes Two knights one horse Two knights one horse Dois cavaleiros, um cavalo How they swing their flail How they swing their flail Como eles balançam seus açoites Ending the bloody tale Ending the bloody tale O conto sangrento termina Just like a bad dream Just like a bad dream Como um pesadelo English disappear in fog English disappear in fog Os ingleses desaparecem na neblina Finally - Victory Finally - Victory Finalmente ? vitória Highlanders' victory Highlanders' victory Vitória dos montanheses da Escócia

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