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Loneliest Rider

Cavaleiro Mais Solitário

A long, long time ago there lived an Indian boy, A long, long time ago there lived an Indian boy, Há muito, muito tempo viveu um jovem índio When he came upon this Earth he brought his family joy. When he came upon this Earth he brought his family joy. Quando ele descobriu esta terra ele trouxe alegria à sua família A paranoid young brave was he, inside his frame was some misery, A paranoid young brave was he, inside his frame was some misery, Um jovem paranóico e valente era ele, dentro de sua aldeia havia algum sofrimento He heard the other warriors talking angrily 'bout the white man taking over his country. He heard the other warriors talking angrily 'bout the white man taking over his country. Ele ouviu os outros guerreiros falando furiosamente sobre o homem branco se apossando de seu país CHORUS CHORUS REFRÃO What he didn't know, is that some day his ma would be crying. What he didn't know, is that some day his ma would be crying. O que ele não sabia, é que algum dia sua mãe estaria chorando What he didn't know, is that some day his tribe would be dying. What he didn't know, is that some day his tribe would be dying. O que ele não sabia, é que algum dia sua tribo estaria morrendo What he didn't know, is that some day his father'd be gone. What he didn't know, is that some day his father'd be gone. O que ele não sabia, é que algum dia seu pai estaria partindo What he didn't know, is that some day he'd be all alone. What he didn't know, is that some day he'd be all alone. O que ele não sabia, é que algum dia ele estaria completamente só None of the stories in the schoolbooks said it, the truth is gone and they're tryin' to forget it. None of the stories in the schoolbooks said it, the truth is gone and they're tryin' to forget it. Nenhuma das histórias nos livros escolares dizia isto, a verdade se foi e eles estão tentando esquecê-la The history books are all one-sided, the truth is gone and their trying to hide it. The history books are all one-sided, the truth is gone and their trying to hide it. Os livros de história são todos tendenciosos, a verdade se foi e eles estão tentando escondê-la Who had the land 'till we came around? The Indian made his life from the ground. Who had the land 'till we came around? The Indian made his life from the ground. Quem possuía esta terra antes de chegarmos aqui? O índio construiu sua vida em seu território And what about the boy that this story's about? Where his tee-pee once stood there now is a town. And what about the boy that this story's about? Where his tee-pee once stood there now is a town. E quanto ao garoto desta história? Onde antes estava sua tenda, agora é uma cidade CHORUS CHORUS REFRÃO He was the loneliest rider on the plain. He was the loneliest rider on the plain. Ele foi o cavaleiro mais solitário na planície He was the loneliest rider on the plain. He was the loneliest rider on the plain. Ele foi o cavaleiro mais solitário na planície He was the loneliest rider on the plain. He was the loneliest rider on the plain. Ele foi o cavaleiro mais solitário na planície

Composição: Mark Farner

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