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Throw yourself Throw yourself Se jogue Into the vessel Into the vessel No recipiente Of possibilities Of possibilities De possibilidades Your green muse Your green muse Sua musa esverdeada The apparatus The apparatus O aparelho For soul mobility For soul mobility Para mobilidade da alma A gateway to secrecy A gateway to secrecy Um portão para o sigilo Spirit, absinthe Spirit, absinthe Espírito, absinto Spirit, absinthe Spirit, absinthe Espírito, absinto Seven seals Seven seals Sete selos Devilish creatures Devilish creatures Criaturas diabólicas Trumpets the end of time Trumpets the end of time Trompeteiam o fim dos tempos Cloven hooves Cloven hooves Cascos rachados Anti Saint wormwood Anti Saint wormwood Anti absinto Catapulting your mind Catapulting your mind Catapultando sua mente Into the jaws of hell Into the jaws of hell Nas mandíbulas do inferno Spirit, absinthe Spirit, absinthe Espírito, absinto Spirit, absinthe Spirit, absinthe Espírito, absinto There's no return There's no return Não há retorno From this excursion From this excursion Dessa excursão Of possibilities Of possibilities De possibilidades You're at the seventh gate You're at the seventh gate Você está no sétimo portão Spirit, absent Spirit, absent Espírito, absinto Spirit, absent Spirit, absent Espírito, absinto Let none of this earth inherit Let none of this earth inherit Que nada desta terra herde This vision of my spirit This vision of my spirit Essa visão do meu espírito

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