I need to learn a little here
I need to learn a little there
I need to learn more of God
Because he is who cares for me.
If a door closes here
Other doors are open there
I need to learn more of God
Because he is who cares for me
God cares for me.
God cares for me in the shadow of your wings
God cares for me, I love your house
And not alone I'm alone,
I know: God cares for me.
God cares for me in the shade of
its wings
God cares for me, I love your house
And not alone I'm alone,
I know: God cares for me.
If life has no direction We must make decision
I know there is someone who loves me
He wants to give me a hand.
If a door closes here
Other doors are open there
I need to learn more of God
Because he is who cares for me
God cares for me.