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Just The Two Of Us

Só nós os dois

I see the crystal raindrops fall I see the crystal raindrops fall Eu vejo o que cai a bola de cristal And the beauty of it all And the beauty of it all E a beleza de tudo Is when the sun comes shining through Is when the sun comes shining through É quando o sol começa a brilhar através To make those rainbows in my mind To make those rainbows in my mind Para tornar esses arco-íris na minha mente When I think of you some time When I think of you some time Quando penso em você algum tempo And I want to spend some time with you And I want to spend some time with you E eu quero passar algum tempo com você CHORUS CHORUS coro Just the two of us Just the two of us Só nós os dois We can make it if we try We can make it if we try Nós podemos fazer isso se tentarmos Just the two of us Just the two of us Só nós os dois Just the two of us Just the two of us Só nós os dois Building castles in the sky Building castles in the sky Construir castelos no céu Just the two of us Just the two of us Só nós os dois You and I You and I Você e eu We look for love, no time for tears We look for love, no time for tears Olhamos para o amor, não há tempo para chorar Wasted waters's all that is Wasted waters's all that is Wasted águas de tudo o que é And it don't make no flowers grow And it don't make no flowers grow E ela não faça nenhuma flores crescem Good things might come to those who wait Good things might come to those who wait Boas coisas podem vir para aqueles que esperam Not to those who wait to late Not to those who wait to late Não para quem espera a tarde We got to go for all we know We got to go for all we know Temos de ir para todos sabemos I hear the crystal raindrops fall I hear the crystal raindrops fall Eu ouvi dizer que o cristal cai On the window down the hall On the window down the hall Em baixo da janela da sala And it becomes the morning dew And it becomes the morning dew E torna-se o orvalho matinal Darling, when the morning comes Darling, when the morning comes Querida, quando chega a manhã And I see the morning sun And I see the morning sun E vejo-o domingo de manhã I want to be the one with you I want to be the one with you Quero ficar com você a um

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