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The Fountain of Salmacis

A Nascente de Salmacis

From a dense forest of tall dark pinewood, Mount Ida rises like an island. From a dense forest of tall dark pinewood, Mount Ida rises like an island. Da densa floresta para o pinho escuro Montanha Ida se eleva como uma ilha Within a hidden cave, nymphs had kept a child; Within a hidden cave, nymphs had kept a child; Entre uma caverna escondida, ninfas guardam uma criança Hermaphroditus, son of gods, so afraid of their love. Hermaphroditus, son of gods, so afraid of their love. Hermaphroditus, filho dos Deuses Com tanto medo de seu amor As the dawn creeps up the sky As the dawn creeps up the sky Enquanto o poente se aproxima do céu The hunter caught sight of a doe. The hunter caught sight of a doe. O caçador vê uma corça In desire for conquest, In desire for conquest, No desejo de conquista He found himself within a glade he'd not beheld before. He found himself within a glade he'd not beheld before. Ele se viu em uma clareira Que nunca estivera antes Hermaphroditus: Hermaphroditus: Hermaphroditus: "Where are you, my father? "Where are you, my father? "Onde estás tu meu pai?" Give wisdom to your son" Give wisdom to your son" "Dê sabedoria aos seus filhos" Narrator: Narrator: Narrador: Now lost, the boy was guided by the sun" Now lost, the boy was guided by the sun" Agora perdido, o menino estava sendo guiado pelo sol "Then he could go no farther "Then he could go no farther "Então ele não pode ir adiante And as his strength began to fail And as his strength began to fail Com suas forças fraquejando He saw a shimmering lake. He saw a shimmering lake. Ele era como um lago trêmulo A shadow in the dark green depths A shadow in the dark green depths Uma sombra nas escuras profundezas verdes Disturbed the strange tranquility. Disturbed the strange tranquility. Perturbando a estranha tranqüilidade Salmacis: Salmacis: Salmacis: "The waters are disturbed "The waters are disturbed "As águas foram alteradas Some creature has been stirred" Some creature has been stirred" Alguma criatura fora agitada" Narrator: Narrator: Narrador: "The waters are disturbed "The waters are disturbed "As águas foram alteradas Naiad queen Salmacis has been stirred" Naiad queen Salmacis has been stirred" Naiad rainha Salmacis fora agitada" As he rushed to quench his thirst, As he rushed to quench his thirst, Enquanto ele corria para saciar sua sede A fountain spring appeared before him A fountain spring appeared before him Uma nascente aparece adiante dele And as his heated breath brushed through the cool mist, And as his heated breath brushed through the cool mist, Enquanto seu hálito quente pincelava a bruma fresca A liquid voice called, "Son of gods, drink from my spring". A liquid voice called, "Son of gods, drink from my spring". Uma voz liquida chamou "Filho dos Deuses, beba da minha nascente." The water tasted strangely sweet. The water tasted strangely sweet. A água de gosto peculiarmente doce Behind him the voice called again. Behind him the voice called again. Por trás a voz chamava novamente He turned and saw her, in a cloak of mist alone He turned and saw her, in a cloak of mist alone Ele se virou e a viu, em capa de pura névoa And as he gazed, her eyes were filled with the darkness of the lake. And as he gazed, her eyes were filled with the darkness of the lake. Enquanto ele observava Os olhos dela encheram o lago de trevas Salmacis: Salmacis: Salmacis: "We shall be one "We shall be one "Seremos um" We shall be joined as one" We shall be joined as one" Ela os queria como um Narrator: Narrator: Narrador "She wanted them as one "She wanted them as one "Seremos unidos como um" Yet he had no desire to be one" Yet he had no desire to be one" No entanto ele não tinha nenhum desejo de ser como um Hermaphroditus: Hermaphroditus: Hermaphroditus: "Away from me cold-blooded woman "Away from me cold-blooded woman "Longe de mim mulher sangue frio Your thirst is not mine" Your thirst is not mine" Sua sede não é minha" Salmacis: Salmacis: Salmacis: "Nothing will cause us to part "Nothing will cause us to part "Nada irá nos separar Hear me, O Gods" Hear me, O Gods" Escute-me, O Deuses" Unearthly calm descended from the sky Unearthly calm descended from the sky Calma não provinda deste mundo desceu sobre os céus And then their flesh and bones were strangely merged And then their flesh and bones were strangely merged Então suas carnes e ossos Foram estranhamente fundidos Forever to be joined as one. Forever to be joined as one. Para sempre a ser unidos como um The creature crawled into the lake. The creature crawled into the lake. A criatura rastejou até o lago A fading voice was heard: A fading voice was heard: Uma voz abafada foi ouvida: "And I beg, yes I beg that all who touch this spring "And I beg, yes I beg that all who touch this spring "Enquanto eu imploro Sim imploro que todos que tocam esta nascente May share my fate" May share my fate" Dividirão comigo meu destino" Salmacis: Salmacis: Salmacis: "We are the one "We are the one "Somos uma pessoa só? We are the one" We are the one" Somos uma pessoa só" Narrator: Narrator: Narrador: "The two are now made one "The two are now made one Os dois agora são feitos um Demi-god and nymph are now made one" Demi-god and nymph are now made one" Meio-Deus e a ninfa agora são feitos um" Both had given everything they had. Both had given everything they had. Ambos deram tudo que tinham A lover's dream had been fulfilled at last, A lover's dream had been fulfilled at last, Um sonho de um amante realizado finalmente Forever still beneath the lake. Forever still beneath the lake. Para sempre debaixo do lago

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