
Harold The Barrel

Harold El Barril

News: News: Las noticias: A well-known Bognor restaurant-owner disappeared A well-known Bognor restaurant-owner disappeared Un restaurante-dueño de Bognor muy conocido desapareció early this morning. early this morning. temprano esta mañana. Last seen in a mouse-brown overcoat, Last seen in a mouse-brown overcoat, Último visto en un gabán del ratón-castaño, suitably camouflaged, suitably camouflaged, adecuadamente camuflado, they saw him catch a train. they saw him catch a train. ellos le vieron coger un tren. Man-in-the-street: Man-in-the-street: La hombre-en-el-calle: "Father of three its disgusting" "Father of three its disgusting" Padre de tres su hastiando" "Such a horrible thing to do" "Such a horrible thing to do" "Tal una cosa horrible para hacer" Harold the Barrel cut off his toes and he served them all for tea Harold the Barrel cut off his toes and he served them all for tea Harold el corte Barril fuera de sus dedos del pies y él les sirvió todos para el té "Can't go far", "He can't go far". "Can't go far", "He can't go far". No "puede ir lejos", "Él no puede ir lejos." "Hasn't got a leg to stand on" "Hasn't got a leg to stand on" "Tiene no consiguió una pierna para estar de pie adelante" "He can't go far". "He can't go far". "Él no puede ir lejos." Man-on-the-spot: Man-on-the-spot: El hombre-en-el-mancha: I'm standing in a doorway on the main square I'm standing in a doorway on the main square Yo estoy estando de pie en una puerta en la plaza mayor tension is mounting tension is mounting la tensión está montando There's a restless crowd of angry people There's a restless crowd of angry people Hay una muchedumbre inquieta de personas enfadadas Man-on-the-council: Man-on-the-council: El hombre-en-el-concilio: "More than we've ever seen. "More than we've ever seen. "Más de nosotros ha visto alguna vez. - had to tighten up security" - had to tighten up security" - tenía que apretarse a la seguridad" Over to the scene at the town hall Over to the scene at the town hall Encima de a la escena en el vestíbulo del pueblo The Lord Mayor's ready to speak The Lord Mayor's ready to speak El Señor Mayor está listo para hablar Lord Mayor: Lord Mayor: Señor Mayor: "Man of suspicion, you can't last long, the British Public is on our side" "Man of suspicion, you can't last long, the British Public is on our side" El hombre de sospecha, usted no puede anhelar en último lugar, el Público británico está en nuestro lado" British Public: British Public: El Público británico: "Can't last long", "You can't last long". "Can't last long", "You can't last long". No "puede anhelar" en último lugar, "Usted no puede anhelar" en último lugar. "Said you couldn't trust him, his brother was just the same" "Said you couldn't trust him, his brother was just the same" "Dicho usted no podría confiar en él, su hermano simplemente era el mismo" "You can't last long". "You can't last long". "Usted no puede anhelar" en último lugar. Harold: Harold: Harold: If I was many miles from here, If I was many miles from here, Si yo fuera muchas millas de aquí, I'd be sailing in an open boat on the sea I'd be sailing in an open boat on the sea Yo estaría navegando en un barco abierto en el mar Instead I'm on this window ledge, Instead I'm on this window ledge, En cambio yo estoy en este anaquel de la ventana, With the whole world below With the whole world below Con el mundo entero debajo de Up at the window Up at the window A a la ventana Look at the window... Look at the window... Mire la ventana... Mr.Plod: Mr.Plod: Mr.Plod: "We can help you" "We can help you" "Nosotros podemos ayudarlo" Plod's Chorus: Plod's Chorus: Trabaje el Coro: "We can help you" "We can help you" "Nosotros podemos ayudarlo" Mr. Plod: Mr. Plod: Sr. Trabaje: "We're all your friends, if you come on down and talk to us son" "We're all your friends, if you come on down and talk to us son" "Nosotros somos todos sus amigos, si usted baja adelante y habla con nosotros el hijo" Harold: Harold: Harold: You must be joking You must be joking Usted debe estar hablando en broma Take a running jump Take a running jump Tome un salto corriente The crowd was getting stronger and our Harold getting weaker; The crowd was getting stronger and our Harold getting weaker; La muchedumbre estaba poniéndose más fuerte y nuestro Harold que se pone más débil; Forwards, backwards, swaying side to side Forwards, backwards, swaying side to side Adelante, al revés, lado oscilante para estar al lado de Fearing the very worst Fearing the very worst Temiendo el muy peor They called his mother to the sight They called his mother to the sight Ellos llamaron a su madre a la vista Upon the ledge beside him Upon the ledge beside him En el anaquel al lado de él His mother made a last request. His mother made a last request. Su madre hizo una última demanda. 67-yr-old Mrs Barrel: 67-yr-old Mrs Barrel: El Barril de Mrs 67-yr-viejo: "Come off the ledge if your father were alive he'd be very, very, very upset. "Come off the ledge if your father were alive he'd be very, very, very upset. "Caígase el anaquel que si su padre estuviera vivo que él sería mismo, mismo, muy disgustado. "Just can't jump, you just can't jump" "Just can't jump, you just can't jump" "Simplemente no puede saltar, usted apenas no puede saltar" "Your shirt's all dirty, there's a man here from the B.B.C." "Your shirt's all dirty, there's a man here from the B.B.C." "Su camisa todos ensucian, hay un hombre aquí del B.B.C." "You just can't jump" "You just can't jump" "Usted apenas no puede saltar" Mr. Plod: Mr. Plod: Sr. Trabaje: "We can help you" "We can help you" "Nosotros podemos ayudarlo" Plod's Chorus: Plod's Chorus: Trabaje el Coro: "We can help you" "We can help you" "Nosotros podemos ayudarlo" Mr. Plod: Mr. Plod: Sr. Trabaje: "We're all your friends, if you come on down and talk to us Harry" "We're all your friends, if you come on down and talk to us Harry" "Nosotros somos todos sus amigos, si usted baja adelante y habla con nosotros Harry" Harold: Harold: Harold: You must be joking. You must be joking. Usted debe estar hablando en broma. Take a running jump...... Take a running jump...... Tome un salto corriente......

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