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Harold The Barrel

Haroldo, o barril

News: News: Noticiário: A well-known Bognor restaurant-owner disappeared A well-known Bognor restaurant-owner disappeared Um dono de restaurante bem conhecido Desapareceu early this morning. early this morning. cedo esta manhã Last seen in a mouse-brown overcoat, Last seen in a mouse-brown overcoat, Visto pela última vez usando um sobretudo marrom-rato suitably camouflaged, suitably camouflaged, Perfeitamente camuflado they saw him catch a train. they saw him catch a train. Eles o viram pegar um trem Man-in-the-street: Man-in-the-street: Homem-na-rua: "Father of three its disgusting" "Father of three its disgusting" "Pai de três, é nojento" "Such a horrible thing to do" "Such a horrible thing to do" "Que coisa horrível de se fazer". Harold the Barrel cut off his toes and he served them all for tea Harold the Barrel cut off his toes and he served them all for tea Haroldo, o Barril decepou seus dedos do pé e os serviu todos no chá. "Can't go far", "He can't go far". "Can't go far", "He can't go far". "Não pode ir longe", ele não pode ir longe." "Hasn't got a leg to stand on" "Hasn't got a leg to stand on" "Não tem uma perna em que se apoiar" "He can't go far". "He can't go far". "Ele não pode ir longe" Man-on-the-spot: Man-on-the-spot: Homem-no-local: I'm standing in a doorway on the main square I'm standing in a doorway on the main square Estou na entrada da praça principal tension is mounting tension is mounting Tensão está aumentando There's a restless crowd of angry people There's a restless crowd of angry people Tem uma multidão inquieta de pessoas zangadas Man-on-the-council: Man-on-the-council: Homem-do-Conselho: "More than we've ever seen. "More than we've ever seen. "Mais do que já vimos - had to tighten up security" - had to tighten up security" - a segurança teve que ser reforçada" Over to the scene at the town hall Over to the scene at the town hall Sobre a cena na prefeitura The Lord Mayor's ready to speak The Lord Mayor's ready to speak O Senhor Prefeito está pronto para falar Lord Mayor: Lord Mayor: SENHOR PREFEITO: "Man of suspicion, you can't last long, the British Public is on our side" "Man of suspicion, you can't last long, the British Public is on our side" "Homem suspeito, você não irá durar muito O Povo Britânico está do nosso lado." British Public: British Public: POVO BRITÂNICO: "Can't last long", "You can't last long". "Can't last long", "You can't last long". "Não poderá durar por muito tempo", "Você não poderá durar por muito tempo" "Said you couldn't trust him, his brother was just the same" "Said you couldn't trust him, his brother was just the same" "Disse que não podia confiar nele Seu irmão era a mesma coisa" "You can't last long". "You can't last long". "Você não poderá durar por muito tempo" Harold: Harold: HAROLDO: If I was many miles from here, If I was many miles from here, Se eu estivesse a muitas milhas daqui I'd be sailing in an open boat on the sea I'd be sailing in an open boat on the sea Estaria velejando em um barco no mar Instead I'm on this window ledge, Instead I'm on this window ledge, Mas ao invés disso, estou neste parapeito de janela With the whole world below With the whole world below Com o mundo inteiro lá embaixo Up at the window Up at the window "Lá em cima na janela, Look at the window... Look at the window... Olhem para a janela..." Mr.Plod: Mr.Plod: Sr. Plod: "We can help you" "We can help you" "Podemos ajudá-lo" Plod's Chorus: Plod's Chorus: Coral do Plod: "We can help you" "We can help you" "Podemos ajudá-lo" Mr. Plod: Mr. Plod: Sr. Plod: "We're all your friends, if you come on down and talk to us son" "We're all your friends, if you come on down and talk to us son" "Somos todos seus amigos,se você descer e vier conversar conosco, filho." Harold: Harold: HAROLDO: You must be joking You must be joking "Você deve estar brincando" Take a running jump Take a running jump E corre para pular The crowd was getting stronger and our Harold getting weaker; The crowd was getting stronger and our Harold getting weaker; A multidão estava engrossando E nosso Haroldo, enfraquecendo Forwards, backwards, swaying side to side Forwards, backwards, swaying side to side Para frente, para trás, balançando de lado a lado. Fearing the very worst Fearing the very worst Temendo o pior They called his mother to the sight They called his mother to the sight Eles chamaram sua mãe ao local Upon the ledge beside him Upon the ledge beside him Sobre o parapeito vizinho His mother made a last request. His mother made a last request. Sua mãe fez um último pedido 67-yr-old Mrs Barrel: 67-yr-old Mrs Barrel: Senhora Barril, de 67 anos de idade: "Come off the ledge if your father were alive he'd be very, very, very upset. "Come off the ledge if your father were alive he'd be very, very, very upset. "Desça do parapeito, se seu pai estivesse vivo ele estaria muito, muito, muito aborrecido "Just can't jump, you just can't jump" "Just can't jump, you just can't jump" Você não pode pular, simplesmente não pode pular "Your shirt's all dirty, there's a man here from the B.B.C." "Your shirt's all dirty, there's a man here from the B.B.C." Sua camisa está toda suja, e tem um homem aqui da BBC." "You just can't jump" "You just can't jump" Você não pode pular" Mr. Plod: Mr. Plod: Sr. Plod: "We can help you" "We can help you" "Podemos ajudá-lo" Plod's Chorus: Plod's Chorus: Coral do Plod: "We can help you" "We can help you" "Podemos ajudá-lo" Mr. Plod: Mr. Plod: Sr. Plod: "We're all your friends, if you come on down and talk to us Harry" "We're all your friends, if you come on down and talk to us Harry" "Somos todos seus amigos,se você descer e vier conversar conosco, Harry" Harold: Harold: HAROLDO: You must be joking. You must be joking. "Você deve estar brincando" Take a running jump...... Take a running jump...... E corre para pular...

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