Oh my god Oh my god Ó meu Deus There's millions of them! There's millions of them! Há milhões deles! I've seen a fire start in Frisco I've seen a fire start in Frisco Eu vi um início de incêndio em Frisco The day that the earth quaked The day that the earth quaked O dia em que a terra tremeu I've seen buildings a-blazing I've seen buildings a-blazing Eu vi edifícios-ardentes Throwing up in flames Throwing up in flames Jogando chamas I heard men, women and children I heard men, women and children Eu ouvi os homens, mulheres e crianças Crying out to their God for mercy Crying out to their God for mercy Clamando ao seu Deus por misericórdia But their God didn't listen But their God didn't listen Mas o seu Deus não escuta So they were burned alive So they were burned alive Então, eles foram queimados vivos They went down, down, deep underground They went down, down, deep underground Eles foram para baixo, profundamente no subsolo In the great disaster In the great disaster No grande desastre I was hanging out in Berlin I was hanging out in Berlin Eu estava pendurando para fora em Berlim In the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty nine In the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty nine No ano de 1939 I've seen Hitler's storm troopers I've seen Hitler's storm troopers Eu vi tropas de assalto de Hitler March right across the Maginot Line March right across the Maginot Line Marchando em toda a Linha Maginot I've seen two world wars I've seen two world wars Eu vi duas guerras mundiais I've seen men send rockets out into space I've seen men send rockets out into space Eu vi homens enviar foguetes para o espaço I foresee a holocaust I foresee a holocaust Eu prevejo um holocausto An angel of death descending to destroy the human An angel of death descending to destroy the human Um anjo da morte descendente destruir a corrida race race humana Down, down, deep undergound Down, down, deep undergound Para baixo, de metro de profundidade A great disaster A great disaster Um grande desastre In the sixteenth century there was a French In the sixteenth century there was a French No século XVI, houve um filósofo philosopher philosopher francês By the name of Nostradamus By the name of Nostradamus Pelo nome de Nostradamus Who prophesised that in the late twentieth century Who prophesised that in the late twentieth century Quem profetizou que, no final do século XX An angel of death shall waste this land An angel of death shall waste this land Um anjo da morte deveria despedaçar esta terra A holocaust the likes of which A holocaust the likes of which Um holocausto como o qual This planet had never seen This planet had never seen Este planeta nunca tinha visto Now, I ask you Now, I ask you Agora, peço-vos Do you believe this to be true? Do you believe this to be true? Você acredita que isto é verdade? I was standing by the bedside I was standing by the bedside Eu estava em pé ao lado da cama The night that my father died The night that my father died Na noite em que meu pai morreu He was crying out in pain He was crying out in pain Ele estava chorando de dor To his God he said, "Have mercy, mercy!" To his God he said, "Have mercy, mercy!" Para o seu Deus, ele disse: "Tem piedade, misericórdia!" His body was riddled with a disease His body was riddled with a disease Seu corpo estava crivado de uma doença Unknown to man so he expected no cure Unknown to man so he expected no cure Desconhecida ao homem para a qual ele esperava a cura But before he died that night But before he died that night Mas antes de morrer naquela noite He was lost, insane He was lost, insane Ele estava perdido, insano He went down, down, deep underground He went down, down, deep underground Ele foi para baixo, para baixo, profundamente no subsolo A great disaster A great disaster Um grande desastre You'll go down, down, deep underground You'll go down, down, deep underground Você vai para baixo, profundamente no subsolo A great disaster A great disaster Um grande desastre