
You Shook Me All Night

You Shook Me All Night

She was a fast machine She was a fast machine Ela era uma máquina rápida She kept her motor clean She kept her motor clean Ela mantinha o motor limpo She was the best damn woman that I ever seen She was the best damn woman that I ever seen Ela era a melhor mulher maldita que eu já vi She had the sightless eyes She had the sightless eyes Ela tinha os olhos cegos Tellin' me no lies Tellin' me no lies Me dizendo mentiras Knockin' me out with those American thighs Knockin' me out with those American thighs Knockin 'me com aquelas coxas americanas Takin' more than her share Takin' more than her share Takin 'mais do que sua parcela Had me fighting for air Had me fighting for air Tinha me lutando por ar She told me to come but I was already there She told me to come but I was already there Ela me disse para vir, mas eu já estava lá 'Cause the walls start shaking 'Cause the walls start shaking Porque as paredes começam a tremer The earth was quakin' The earth was quakin' A terra era quakin ' My mind was achin' My mind was achin' Minha mente estava a doer And we were makin' it and you - And we were makin' it and you - E nós estávamos fazendo 'e você - CHORUS: CHORUS: REFRÃO: Shook me all night long Shook me all night long Shook me toda a noite Yeah you shook me all night long Yeah you shook me all night long Sim, você me sacudiu a noite toda Workin' double time Workin' double time Trabalhando em dobro On the seduction line On the seduction line Na linha da sedução She was one of a kind, she's just mine all mine She was one of a kind, she's just mine all mine Ela era um de um tipo, ela é apenas minha, toda minha Wanted no applause Wanted no applause Não queria aplausos Just another course Just another course Apenas outra Made a meal out of me, and come back for more Made a meal out of me, and come back for more Fiz uma refeição fora de mim, e voltar para mais Had to cool me down Had to cool me down Tive que me refrescar To take another round To take another round Para tirar mais uma rodada Now I'm back in the ring to take another swing Now I'm back in the ring to take another swing Agora estou de volta ao ringue para dar outra sacudida 'Cause the walls was shaking 'Cause the walls was shaking Porque as paredes estava tremendo The earth was quakin' The earth was quakin' A terra era quakin ' My mind was achin' My mind was achin' Minha mente estava a doer And we were makin' it and you - And we were makin' it and you - E nós estávamos fazendo 'e você - Refrão: Refrão: Refrão: Shook me all night long Shook me all night long Shook me toda a noite Yeah you shook me all night long Yeah you shook me all night long Sim, você me sacudiu a noite toda Knocked me out and then you Knocked me out and then you Bateu-me e então você Shook me all night long Shook me all night long Shook me toda a noite Then you were shakin' and you Then you were shakin' and you Então você estava shakin 'e você Shook me all night loooong Shook me all night loooong Shook me tudo loooong noite Yeah you shook me Yeah you shook me Sim, você me abalou Well, you took me Well, you took me Bem, você me levou You really took me and you You really took me and you Você realmente me pegou e você Shook me all night long Shook me all night long Shook me toda a noite Oaaaaaahhhhhh you shook me all night long Oaaaaaahhhhhh you shook me all night long Oaaaaaahhhhhh você me sacudiu a noite toda Yeah yeah you Yeah yeah you Yeah yeah você Shook me all... night... long Shook me all... night... long Shook me tudo ... noite ... longo Ya really took me and you Ya really took me and you Você realmente me pegou e você Shook me all night long Shook me all night long Shook me toda a noite Yeah you shook me, yeah you shook me Yeah you shook me, yeah you shook me Sim, você me balançou, yeah You Shook Me All night loooong! All night loooong! Toda a noite muuuuuito!

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