Bees’ll buzz Bees’ll buzz Abelhas vão zumbir Kids’ll blow dandelion fuzz Kids’ll blow dandelion fuzz Crianças vão assoprar dentes-de-leão And I’ll be doin’ whatever snow does in summer And I’ll be doin’ whatever snow does in summer E eu farei o que quer que seja que neve faz no verão A drink in my hand A drink in my hand Um drink na minha mão My snow up against the burning sand My snow up against the burning sand Minha neve contra a areia ardente Prob’ly getting gorgeously tanned in summer Prob’ly getting gorgeously tanned in summer Provavelmente ficarei bronzeado no verão I’ll finally see a summer breeze I’ll finally see a summer breeze Finalmente irei ver uma brisa de verão Blow away a winter storm Blow away a winter storm Soprar a tempestade de inverno And find out what happens to solid water And find out what happens to solid water E eu descobrirei o que acontece com a água sólida When it gets warm When it gets warm Quando se aquece And I can’t wait to see what my buddies all think of me And I can’t wait to see what my buddies all think of me E mal espero para ver o que meus amigos acham de mim Just imagine how much cooler I’ll be in summer Just imagine how much cooler I’ll be in summer Imagina o quanto eu serei legal no verão Da da, da doo, ah bah bah bah bah bah boo Da da, da doo, ah bah bah bah bah bah boo Da da, da doo, ah bah bah bah bah bah boo The hot and the cold are both so intense The hot and the cold are both so intense O quente e o frio são tão intensos Put’em together Put’em together Coloque os juntos It just makes sense It just makes sense Faz todo o sentido Ratdadat-dad-dada-doo Ratdadat-dad-dada-doo Ratdadat-dad-dada-doo Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle Inverno é bom para ficar dentro de casa e fazer carinho But put me in summer and I’ll be a But put me in summer and I’ll be a Mas me coloque no verão e eu serei Happy snowman Happy snowman Um boneco de neve feliz When life gets rough When life gets rough Quando a vida fica difícil I like to hold on to my dream I like to hold on to my dream Eu gosto de me apegar ao meu sonho Relaxing in the summer sun Relaxing in the summer sun Relaxar sob o sol de verão Just lettin’ off steam Just lettin’ off steam Apenas deixando o vapor sair Oh, the sky would be blue Oh, the sky would be blue Oh, o céu seria azul And you guys will be there too And you guys will be there too E vocês estariam lá também When I finally do what frozen things do in summer When I finally do what frozen things do in summer Quando finalmente farei o que coisas geladas fazem no verão In summer In summer No verão