
Tragedy For You

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With that skill that was hers alone With that skill that was hers alone Com aquela habilidade que era somente sua She drove her clutches into me She drove her clutches into me ela enfiou suas garras em mim I was dumbfounded I was dumbfounded eu estava emudecido, She was hungry She was hungry Ela estava com fome She required me entirely She required me entirely Ela precisava de mim inteiramente All that's left is here to remain All that's left is here to remain Tudo que é deixado aqui está para ficar It's a dull and cruel pain It's a dull and cruel pain É uma dor idiota e cruel That passes the ages unaltered That passes the ages unaltered Que passa as idades inalterada Her stamp is in my heart Her stamp is in my heart Seu sinal está em meu coração I still feel disemboweled I still feel disemboweled Ainda me sinto estripado, I clearly retain I clearly retain claramente guardo A blank A blank Um vazio, The void The void O vácuo, The sore in my soul The sore in my soul A ferida em minha alma The mark in my heart The mark in my heart A marca em meu coração, Her acid reign Her acid reign seu reinado ácido Hot sun, global fun Hot sun, global fun Sol quente diversão global, Needed action, start to run Needed action, start to run Ação necessária, começar a correr And that voice that was hers alone And that voice that was hers alone E aquela voz que era somentre sua Still resounds in me Still resounds in me Ainda ressoa em min, She left me dislocated She left me dislocated Ela me deixou deslocado Disavowed Disavowed Repudiado And twitching And twitching E me contorcendo Her rhythm is in my heart Her rhythm is in my heart Sue rítmo está em meu coração She inspired in me She inspired in me Ela inspirou em mim An acute sense of treachery An acute sense of treachery Um agudo senso de traição

Composição: Richard 23

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