There once was a lady There once was a lady Havia uma senhora Living down by the ocean floor Living down by the ocean floor Vivendo por baixo do fundo do oceano Everyday she would beg the waves Everyday she would beg the waves Todo dia ela pedia que as ondas To give her what she'd been searching for To give her what she'd been searching for Dessem a ela o que ela estava procurando Never had she found it Never had she found it Ela nunca achou A love of her own who would give her more A love of her own who would give her more Um amor, que lhe daria mais A love as gentle as the breeze A love as gentle as the breeze Um amor suave como a brisa A touch as deep as the ocean floor A touch as deep as the ocean floor Um toque tão profundo como o oceano He left for the city... He left for the city... Ele deixou para a cidade .. The busy life, the crowded streets The busy life, the crowded streets A vida agitada, as ruas lotadas Everyday he would drive inside a fancy car Everyday he would drive inside a fancy car Todos os dias ele dirigia dentro de um carro de luxo The folks he would meet! The folks he would meet! A gente ia encontrar! Never would you find them Never would you find them Nunca iria encontrá-los Hair out of place, knocking at your door Hair out of place, knocking at your door Cabelo fora do lugar, batendo na sua porta With love as easy as the money With love as easy as the money Com amor tão fácil como o dinheiro He found that he wanted more He found that he wanted more Ele descobriu que queria mais She fashioned a lover She fashioned a lover Ela tornou-se uma amante With flesh as fine as ocean sand With flesh as fine as ocean sand Com a carne tão fina como areia do oceano Everyday she would venture out Everyday she would venture out Todo dia ela ia se aventurar To carve the one to take her hand To carve the one to take her hand Para esculpir a pegar na sua mão Treat her like a woman Treat her like a woman Tratá-la como uma mulher A love of her own to give her more A love of her own to give her more Um amor dela e dar-lhe mais Love as gentle as the breeze Love as gentle as the breeze Amor suave como a brisa A touch as deep as the ocean floor A touch as deep as the ocean floor Um toque tão profundo como o oceano