Well right about that time, people Well right about that time, people Bem foi por volta desta hora, gente A fur trapper A fur trapper (Que) um caçador de peles Who was strictly from commercial Who was strictly from commercial Que era estritamente comercial (Strictly Commershil) (Strictly Commershil) (Estritamente Comercial) Had the unmedicated audacity Had the unmedicated audacity Teve a irremediável audácia To jump up from behind my igloo To jump up from behind my igloo De pular por detrás de meu iglu (Peek-a-Boo Woo-ooo-ooo) (Peek-a-Boo Woo-ooo-ooo) (Peek-a-Boo Woo-ooo-ooo) And he started in to whippin' And he started in to whippin' E começar a surrar On my fav'rite baby seal On my fav'rite baby seal Minha foca bebê favorita With a lead-filled snow shoe . . . With a lead-filled snow shoe . . . Com um sapato de neve cheio de chumbo I said: I said: Eu disse: With a lead (LEAD) With a lead (LEAD) Com chumbo (Chumbo) Filled (LEAD-FILLED) Filled (LEAD-FILLED) Cheio (Cheio de chumbo) A lead-filled snow shoe (SNOW SHOE) A lead-filled snow shoe (SNOW SHOE) Um sapato de neve cheio de chumbo (Sapato de Neve) He said Peak-a-boo (PEEK-A-BOO) He said Peak-a-boo (PEEK-A-BOO) Ele disse Peak-a-boo (Peak-a-boo) With a lead (LEAD) With a lead (LEAD) Com chumbo (Chumbo) Filled (LEAD-FILLED) Filled (LEAD-FILLED) Cheio (Cheio de chumbo) A lead-filled snow shoe (SNOW SHOE) A lead-filled snow shoe (SNOW SHOE) Um sapato de neve cheio de chumbo (Sapato de Neve) He said Peak-a-boo (PEEK-A-BOO) He said Peak-a-boo (PEEK-A-BOO) Ele disse Peak-a-boo (Peak-a-boo) He went right up He went right up Ele foi tranqüilamente até Side the head of my favorite baby seal Side the head of my favorite baby seal O lado da cabeça da minha foca bebê favorita He went WHAP! He went WHAP! Ele foi e WHAP! With a lead-filled snow shoe With a lead-filled snow shoe Com um sapato de neve cheio de chumbo An' he hit him on the nose An' he hit him on the nose E ele a acertou no nariz 'n he hit him on the fin 'n he… 'n he hit him on the fin 'n he… E ele a acertou na barbatana e ele... That got me just about as evil That got me just about as evil Isto me deixou tão perverso As an Eskimo boy can be... As an Eskimo boy can be... Quanto um rapaz Esquimó possa ficar So I bent down 'n I reached down 'n I scooped down So I bent down 'n I reached down 'n I scooped down Então eu me abaixei, e alcancei e catei An' I gathered up a generous mitten full An' I gathered up a generous mitten full E reuni uma luva cheia de uma generosa quantidade of the deadly . . . of the deadly . . . da mortífera... YELLOW SNOW YELLOW SNOW NEVE AMARELA The deadly Yellow Snow The deadly Yellow Snow A mortífera Neve Amarela From right there where the huskies go From right there where the huskies go Bem lá onde os huskies passam Whereupon I proceeded to take that mitten full Whereupon I proceeded to take that mitten full Onde então eu procedi em levar aquela luva cheia Of the deadly Yellow Snow Crystals Of the deadly Yellow Snow Crystals Dos Cristais mortíferos de Neve Amarela And rub it all into his beady little eyes And rub it all into his beady little eyes E esfrega-la toda em seus pequenos olhos With a vigorous circular motion With a vigorous circular motion Com um vigoroso movimento circular Hitherto unknown to the people on this area Hitherto unknown to the people on this area Até então desconhecido do povo desta área But destined to take the place of THE MUD SHARK But destined to take the place of THE MUD SHARK Mas destinado a tomar o lugar do Mud Shark In your mythology In your mythology Em sua mitologia Here it goes now . . . Here it goes now . . . E aqui vai agora... THE CIRCULAR MOTION . . . (rub it) . . . THE CIRCULAR MOTION . . . (rub it) . . . O Movimento Circular... (esfregue-o)... (Here Fido . . . Here Fido) (Here Fido . . . Here Fido) (Vem Fido... Vem Fido) And then, in a fit of anger, I . . . And then, in a fit of anger, I . . . E então, em uma explosão de rancor, eu... I pounced I pounced Eu pulei And I pounced again And I pounced again E eu pulei novamente GREAT GOOGLY-MOOGLY GREAT GOOGLY-MOOGLY GRANDE GOOGLY-MOOGLY I jumped up 'n down on the chest of the . . . I jumped up 'n down on the chest of the . . . Eu pulei pra cima e pra baixo no peito do... I injured the fur trapper I injured the fur trapper Eu feri o caçador de peles Well, he was very upset, Well, he was very upset, Bem, ele estava muito aborrecido As you can understand As you can understand Como era de se esperar And rightly so And rightly so E com todo o direito Because Because Porque The deadly Yellow Snow Crystals The deadly Yellow Snow Crystals Os Cristais mortíferos de Neve Amarela Had deprived him of his sight Had deprived him of his sight O depravou de sua visão And he stood up And he stood up E ele se levantou And he looked around And he looked around E ele olhou ao redor And he said: And he said: E disse: I CAN'T SEE I CAN'T SEE EU NÃO ENXERGO (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!) (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!) (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!) I CAN'T SEE I CAN'T SEE EU NÃO ENXERGO (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!) (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!) (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!) OH WOE IS ME OH WOE IS ME TENHA DÓ DE MIM (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!) (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!) (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!) I CAN'T SEE I CAN'T SEE EU NÃO ENXERGO (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . WELL!) (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . WELL!) (DO . . . DO DO-DO DO DO DO . . . YEAH!) NO NO NO NO NÃO, NÃO I CAN'T SEE I CAN'T SEE EU NÃO ENXERGO NO . . . I . . . NO . . . I . . . NÃO EU He took a dog-doo sno-cone He took a dog-doo sno-cone Ele pegou uma conchinha de cagalhão do cão An' stuffed it in my right eye An' stuffed it in my right eye E enfiou no meu olho direito He took a dog-doo sno-cone He took a dog-doo sno-cone Ele pegou uma conchinha de cagalhão do cão An' stuffed it in my other eye An' stuffed it in my other eye E enfiou no meu outro olho An' the huskie wee-wee An' the huskie wee-wee E o xixi de huskie I mean the doggie wee-wee I mean the doggie wee-wee Quero dizer o xixi do cãozinho Has blinded me Has blinded me Me cegou An' I can't see An' I can't see E eu não estou enxergando Temporarily Temporarily Temporariamente Well the fur trapper stood there Well the fur trapper stood there Bem, o caçador de peles ficou ali de pé With his arms outstretched With his arms outstretched Com seus braços esticados Across the frozen white wasteland Across the frozen white wasteland Largado nas gélidas e brancas terras inférteis Trying to figure out what he's gonna do Trying to figure out what he's gonna do Tentando concluir o que ele vai fazer About his deflected eyes About his deflected eyes Sobre seus olhos defeituosos And it was at that precise moment And it was at that precise moment E foi naquele exato momento That he remembered That he remembered Que ele recordou An ancient Eskimo legend An ancient Eskimo legend De uma antiga lenda de Esquimós Wherein it is written Wherein it is written Donde está escrito On whatever it is that they write it on up there On whatever it is that they write it on up there Em o que quer que seja que eles usam para escrever por lá That if anything bad ever happens to your eyes That if anything bad ever happens to your eyes Que se alguma coisa acontecer com seus olhos As a result of some sort of conflict As a result of some sort of conflict Como resultado de um conflito With anyone named Nanook With anyone named Nanook Com alguém chamado Nanook The only way you can get it fixed up The only way you can get it fixed up A única maneira de concerta-lo Is to go trudgin' across the tundra... Is to go trudgin' across the tundra... É atravessando o tundra*... Mile after mile Mile after mile Milha após milha Trudgin' across the tundra... Trudgin' across the tundra... Atravessando o tundra... Right down to the parish of Saint Alfonzo... Right down to the parish of Saint Alfonzo... Até a paróquia do Santo Alfonzo...