They came from other lands to change our views They came from other lands to change our views Eles vieram de outras terras para mudar as nossas opiniões They said to worship their god or we would die They said to worship their god or we would die Eles disseram adorar a seu deus ou teriamos que morrer eras on I yearn to reveal our ways again eras on I yearn to reveal our ways again Em épocas eu anseio para revelar os nossos caminhos novamente To unveil ancient wisdom gained through generations To unveil ancient wisdom gained through generations Para desvendar antiga sabedoria adquirida através de gerações I dig deep into time I dig deep into time Eu cavo profundo em tempo To bring back ancient ways To bring back ancient ways Para trazer de volta antigas formas Before they clawed them down Before they clawed them down Xenopus-los antes que eles Their reign is failing now Their reign is failing now Seu reinado está a falhar agora Our forefathers resisted all they could Our forefathers resisted all they could Nossos antepassados resistiram, todos eles podiam To save the traditions olden To save the traditions olden Para guardar as tradições de antigamente But they destroyed them and stole our children's minds But they destroyed them and stole our children's minds Mas eles destruíram e roubaram-lhes as nossas mentes infantis And now we shall restore forgotten honour and pride And now we shall restore forgotten honour and pride E agora vamos restaurar a esquecida honra e orgulho Pure blood, unpoisoned water Pure blood, unpoisoned water Puro sangue, vennenoos das águas Passed from father to son Passed from father to son Passada de pai para filho An age now long since gone An age now long since gone Uma época que passou há muito que desapareceu Is there time to revert? Is there time to revert? Haverá tempo para reverter?