With a donkey on my shoulder, With a donkey on my shoulder, Burrinho no meu ombro, And a jackal on my back, And a jackal on my back, E um chacal em minhas costas. I'll carry these, my children, I'll carry these, my children, Eu carrego estes, meus filhos, Keep them safe from attack Keep them safe from attack Mantenha-os a salvo do ataque The donkey makes it hard to dance, the jackal sings too loud The donkey makes it hard to dance, the jackal sings too loud Burro dificulta a dança, o chacal canta muito alto. The donkey cries when it's alone, and the jackal is too proud The donkey cries when it's alone, and the jackal is too proud O burro chora quando está sozinho, e o chacal é muito orgulhoso. Little donkey is getting restless, Little donkey is getting restless, Burrinho está ficando inquieto, Getting heavier as it grows Getting heavier as it grows cada vez mais pesado a medida que cresce And the jackal, spoiled and spiteful, And the jackal, spoiled and spiteful, E o chacal é tão rancoroso, Keeps biting at my nose Keeps biting at my nose seu corpo comeu meu nariz. I would have a lover, I would have a lover, Eu tive um amor, A husband, and a child A husband, and a child um marido e uma criança But the donkey is too jealous, But the donkey is too jealous, Mas o burro é muito ciumento And the jackal is too wild And the jackal is too wild E o chacal é muito orgulhoso It's too wild It's too wild Muito orgulhoso You ask me why I keep them, You ask me why I keep them, Você me pergunta por que eu os mantenho, Why I love them so, Why I love them so, E por que eu os amo tanto Why they get away with murder, Why they get away with murder, Por que eles escapam com o assassinato, As they grow and grow and grow, oh As they grow and grow and grow, oh Como eles crescem e crescem e crescem e crescem. I keep them cos I made them, I keep them cos I made them, Eu os mantenho porque eu os fiz. They come from in my loins They come from in my loins Eles vêm de dentro do meu coração. With each mistake I make With each mistake I make Com cada erro que eu cometo, Creative, and torn apart Creative, and torn apart crio e rasgo And when it's time to feed them, And when it's time to feed them, E quando é hora de alimenta-los, Before they go to bed, Before they go to bed, antes de eles irem para a cama, I give them my confessions, I give them my confessions, Eu dou a eles minhas confissões, Baked within their bread Baked within their bread cozidas em seu pão. Little donkey is getting restless, Little donkey is getting restless, Burrinho está ficando inquieto, Getting heavier as it grows Getting heavier as it grows cada vez mais pesado a medida que cresce. And the jackal, spoiled and spiteful, And the jackal, spoiled and spiteful, E o chacal é tão rancoroso, Keeps biting at my nose Keeps biting at my nose seu corpo comeu meu nariz. Little donkey is getting restless, Little donkey is getting restless, Burrinho está ficando inquieto, Getting heavier as it grows Getting heavier as it grows cada vez mais pesado a medida que cresce. And the jackal, spoiled and spiteful, And the jackal, spoiled and spiteful, E o chacal é tão rancoroso, Keeps biting at my nose Keeps biting at my nose seu corpo comeu meu nariz.