I have an evil plan to save the world for every man, I have an evil plan to save the world for every man, Eu tenho um plano maligno para salvar o mundo para cada homem, And I think it's better than the way it's being run. And I think it's better than the way it's being run. E eu acho que é melhor do que a forma como está sendo executado Oh the groundwork's laid, Oh the groundwork's laid, Oh a base do definido, No Don't be afraid, No Don't be afraid, Não, não tenhais medo, I'm sure that I can fix it, I'm sure that I can fix it, Estou certo de que posso corrigi-lo, When I figure out the physics. When I figure out the physics. Quando eu descobrir a física. Chorus Chorus Coro My evil plan to save the world, My evil plan to save the world, Meu plano maligno para salvar o mundo, Just you wait 'till it's unfurled, Just you wait 'till it's unfurled, Só você esperar até que é desfraldada, It'll go down in history. It'll go down in history. Vai entrar para a história. It's prophetic, It's prophetic, É profética, No, it's not pathetic. No, it's not pathetic. Não, não é patético. I can't believe I made it up myself. I can't believe I made it up myself. Eu não posso acreditar que eu fiz isso sozinho. I have an evil plan, I have an evil plan, Eu tenho um plano maligno, To save the world you understand, To save the world you understand, Para salvar o mundo, entende The exemplary feat, you'd think I'd have to cheat. The exemplary feat, you'd think I'd have to cheat. A façanha exemplar, você pensaria que eu teria feito você de bobo. I'd make Voltaire proud, I'd make Voltaire proud, Eu faria Voltaire orgulhoso, Deep and furrow browed. Deep and furrow browed. Profundo e testa franzida. Uncanny and so clever, it's "Our Newest Plan Ever!" Uncanny and so clever, it's "Our Newest Plan Ever!" Estranho e tão inteligente, é "Nosso Mais Novo Plano de Sempre!" Bridge Bridge Ponte Got tired of whining, Got tired of whining, Cansei de reclamar, A grander scheme with silver lining, A grander scheme with silver lining, Um grande esquema com forro de prata, For every boy and girl. For every boy and girl. Para cada menino e menina. We can't be responsible, We can't be responsible, Nós não podemos ser responsáveis, For all that's wrong with this world. For all that's wrong with this world. Por tudo o que há de errado com este mundo. Starving children in pain, Starving children in pain, Crianças famintas na dor, You can't believe in that God. You can't believe in that God. Você não pode acreditar nesse Deus. The world's not spinning your way, The world's not spinning your way, O mundo não está girando à sua maneira, Does every dog still get his day? Does every dog still get his day? Será que todos os cães ainda vão ganhar o seu dia?