I was born in the mountains.
I was without understanding.
But O Ishtar, mighty queen of the gods,
did thou teach me.
Thou didst take me from the mountains.
Thou didst make great my name.
Thou didst place me in this chariot.
I’m your servant, your champion.
Oh, my lady.
Praise to Ishtar. To see her is to rejoice.
In lips she is sweet. There is life in her mouth.
She is beauty, with charm and voluptuousness.
She is glorious. Her figure sings her eyes are brilliant.
Oh, my lady.
Praise to Ishtar. She is clothed in pleasure and love.
She is splendid. At her glance there is joy.
She has no equal. Her word is supreme over gods.
She is power. The fate of everything she holds in her hands.
Oh, my lady.
Ishtar. Hear my prayer. Guard my flank. Guide my spear.
Ishtar. Hear my words. I fight for thou. Oh, my lady.