
When I Burn Off Into The Distance

Quando eu queirmar desligado a distancia

Oh so lonely Oh so lonely Oh tão solitário If only you If only you Se só você Would pull through Would pull through iria sair-se bem Things we have learnt Things we have learnt Coisas que aprendemos Now we have returned Now we have returned Agora temos devolvido We find it strange We find it strange Achamos estranho que To find nothing exchanged To find nothing exchanged Para encontrar nada trocadas I've been out of the way I've been out of the way Fui para fora do caminho I've been out of the way I've been out of the way Fui para fora do caminho This is a blast This is a blast Este é um sopro To the past To the past para o passado Better late Better late Mais vale tarde Than bitter and lost Than bitter and lost do que amargo e perdidos I've been out of my mind I've been out of my mind Fui para fora da minha mente I've been out of my mind to find you I've been out of my mind to find you Fui para fora da minha mente para encontrá-lo Oh so lonely Oh so lonely Oh tão solitário If only you would pull through If only you would pull through Se só você iria sair-se bem Fire burn Fire burn Incêndios queimam, Money is earned Money is earned o dinheiro é ganho I found a friend I found a friend Encontrei um amigo Money is burned Money is burned dinheiro é queimado I've been out of my mind I've been out of my mind Fui para fora da minha mente I've been out of my mind to find you I've been out of my mind to find you Fui para fora da minha mente para encontrá-lo Things I have learnt Things I have learnt Coisas que tenho aprendido Now I have returned Now I have returned Agora tenho devolvido I find it strange to find nothing has changed I find it strange to find nothing has changed Acho que é estranho para encontrar nada mudou I've been out of the way I've been out of the way Fui para fora do caminho

Composição: Finley Quaye

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