Pay the rent, make the dent Pay the rent, make the dent Pagar el alquiler, que la abolladura Break the routine, smell the stench Break the routine, smell the stench Romper la rutina, el olfato el hedor Take the pill, just for thrills Take the pill, just for thrills Tomar la píldora, sólo por emociones Sitting on your silk screen beds Sitting on your silk screen beds Sentado en su cama la pantalla de seda Taste the dirt of a world Taste the dirt of a world El sabor de la tierra de un mundo Full of violence and regrets Full of violence and regrets Lleno de violencia y lamenta Take a bite out of life Take a bite out of life Dale un mordisco a la vida Don't bring me down (Down, down, down, down...) Don't bring me down (Down, down, down, down...) No me deprimas (Abajo, abajo, abajo, abajo ...) Don't bring me down Don't bring me down No me deprimas Don't bring me down Don't bring me down No me deprimas Don't bring me down Don't bring me down No me deprimas Turn your back, get in sack Turn your back, get in sack Da la espalda, ponerse en bolsa Twisted faces, heart attacks Twisted faces, heart attacks Trenzado caras, ataques al corazón Suicide, selfish pride Suicide, selfish pride El suicidio, el orgullo egoísta Fornication, broken lives Fornication, broken lives Fornicación, vidas rotas Ecstasy, casualty Ecstasy, casualty El éxtasis, accidentes Peace of mind, wipe it clean Peace of mind, wipe it clean La paz de la mente, límpielo Take a bite out of life Take a bite out of life Dale un mordisco a la vida Don't bring me down (Down, down, down, down...) Don't bring me down (Down, down, down, down...) No me deprimas (Abajo, abajo, abajo, abajo ...) Don't bring me down Don't bring me down No me deprimas Don't bring me down Don't bring me down No me deprimas Don't bring me down Don't bring me down No me deprimas Down, down Down, down Abajo, abajo Down, down Down, down Abajo, abajo Down, down Down, down Abajo, abajo Down, down... Down, down... Abajo, abajo ...